Covid-19 takes car show out of gear, as chamber will see much smaller event
By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer

Amid coronavirus concerns, the annual Fall Cruisin’ Classic Cars Show in Berlin has been modified to a Cruisers Appreciation Day on Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon.
(Oct. 8, 2020) Berlin’s downtown streets will not be lined with hundreds of classic cars this Saturday.
Instead of the 16th annual Fall Cruisin’ Classic Cars Show, the Berlin Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Cruisers Appreciation Day from 10 a.m. to noon.
“We’re hoping that patrons of the past – people who’ve come to town and have enjoyed our town and who have eaten at the restaurants and shopped – will come to town and appreciate the day,” said Larnet St. Amant, the executive director of the Berlin Chamber of Commerce.
The arrival time for cars is 8 a.m., and registration cost $10.
Main Street will not be closed this year to display rare and vintage vehicles, and there will be limited parking.
To prevent large gatherings downtown, there will be no live entertainment or vendors for spectators.
“We will practice social distancing,” St. Amant added. “We’ll be wearing masks.”
She also said that a hand-sanitizing station will be available.
Select prizes will be given to participants.
“We’re celebrating and recognizing our past patrons of the town,” St. Amant said.
In the past, the Berlin Chamber of Commerce gave awards to participants in categories such as Classic, Hot Rod, People’s Choice and Best in Show.
The presentation of awards usually takes place at 2 p.m.
For more information, call the Berlin Chamber of Commerce at 410-641-4775.