Berlin’s Touch A Truck Day will take place this Saturday, Oct. 5, at Stephen Decatur Park off Route 113 in Berlin. Local, county and state agencies will showcase vehicles and hold demon- strations for families.
By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer
(Oct. 3, 2019) Adults and children especially can examine police cars, fire trucks, dump trucks and other specialized vehicles t this Saturday at the Berlin Touch A Truck at Stephen Decatur Park.
The third annual event will take place from 10 a.m. to noon at the park on Tripoli Street off Route 113. Admission is free.
Tim Lawrence, Berlin’s electric utility director, started the event in 2016 and has seen attendance grow up to 300 people since then.
Lawrence, who’s been doing electric work for 38 years, said an event like this is a good opportunity for people to get a better understanding about the work that goes into maintaining a town.
As one example, he said becoming a certified lineman takes four years of school and 8,000 hours of on-the-job training.
“A lot of people don’t realize what we have to go through to get to that point where you’re considered a master utility lineman,” Lawrence said.
Local, county and state agencies will feature department vehicles and offer demonstrations throughout the morning.
“It’s a great event. It’s a very educational event,” Lawrence said. “It’s very informative, and it showcases what we do in our day-to-day lives for the Town of Berlin.”
The following Town of Berlin agencies are scheduled to participate: the police, fire, electric, public works, as well as water and sewer departments.
Lawrence added that the electric utility would have a “power town display,” which educates parents and children about scenarios involving power lines.
As for Worcester County, the emergency services department will take part, and the sheriff’s office will have a K-9 unit on site. The Maryland State Police is also expected to join in on the event.
Ivy Wells, the town’s community and economic development director, said adults attending could embrace their inner child during Berlin Touch A Truck.
“It’s such a fun event,” Wells said. “I think the adults look forward to it even more than the kids do.”
The Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines and Ocean City will also have hamburgers and hotdogs available for purchase during the event.
For more information, contact Lawrence at the or visit berlinmd.gov/event/berlin-touch-truck/.