By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer

Tingle Road and Buckingham Road will be repaved in the coming weeks after a 2017 inspection of Berlin roadways by Davis, Bowen & Friedel, Inc. determined they needed repairs.
(Aug. 6, 2020) Streets throughout Berlin are being paved as part of a road improvements project based on inspections by Davis, Bowen & Friedel Inc. in summer 2017.
The repaving began in July and is expected to be complete by the end of August, weather permitting.
“[We] ask all affected citizens to please be patient as we work through this project,” said Town Administrator Jeff Fleetwood. “I am in hopes that everyone will fully appreciate the much needed work that is being done once work is completed.”
Current street projects are Harrison Avenue, Bottle Branch Road, Flower Street, Showell Street, Railroad Avenue, East Burley Street and Cape Circle.
Within the next few weeks, Germantown Road, Flower Street in front of Dr. William Henry Park, Upshur Street, Tingle Road, Middle Street, Branch Street, Evans Road and Buckingham Road will be resurfaced as well.
In addition, more concrete work will be completed on Commerce Street, Pitts Street and in Walnut Hill.
According to the Town of Berlin Roadway Evaluation 2017/2018 Report, Berlin has about 81 roads in Berlin.
The report stated the 10 worst condition roads were Baker Street, Bottle Branch Road, Grace Street, Harrison Avenue, Showell Street, Stevenson Lane, Tingle Road, W. Branch Street, the northern section of Decatur Street and the section of Flower Street near Dr. William Henry Park.
Distress criteria include potholes, patches, riding quality, deficient drainage, curb and gutter and sidewalks.
The estimated cost off the work is: overlay at Bottle Branch Road, $47,177.17, rehabilitation at Harrison Avenue, $372,954.66, mill and overlay plus partial rehabilitation at Showell Street, $73,480.66, mill and overlay at Tingle Road, $37,968, mill and overlay at West Branch Street, $78,215.22, overlay at East Burley Street, $9,900, mill and overlay at Cape Circle, $12,705.45, rehabilitation at Flower Street (Henry park), $97,895.99, overlay at Germantown Road,$9,370.81, and overlay East Railroad Avenue, $19,699.37.
“The funds are being used from our FY20/FY21 highway user fees and some of the funding coming from impact fees for the areas where development has impacted the repaved streets,” Fleetwood said.