Moviegoers watch Runaway Bride last year in downtown Berlin during the Free Outdoor Movie. The first 2019 Berlin Free Outdoor Movie will show “Yellow Submarine” at 8:30 p.m. on Saturday on Artisans Green.
By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer
(June 13, 2019) Moviegoers should grab a blanket and get ready to watch several films under the stars this summer in Berlin.
“We, actually this year, we’re try- ing something a little bit new,” Robin Tomaselli, vice president of Berlin’s Arts and Entertainment Committee, said.
Tomaselli said the free movies, which will run from 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on June 15 and July 20. would have a “concert music theme.”
The first movie of the summer will be “Yellow Submarine” at 8:30 p.m. this Saturday on Artisans Green in downtown Berlin.
“Who doesn’t love The Beatles?” said Heather Layton, president of Berlin’s Arts and Entertainment Committee.
Layton emphasized the impor- tance of maintaining a family atmos- phere, and said the 1968 animated feature does just that.
Attendees are encouraged to bring chairs, blankets and snacks to the outdoor movie.
“…In the past we’ve had people … ‘grab to go’ from one of the restau- rants in town and totally have a fam- ily dinner or date night,” Layton said.
The Berlin Arts and Entertainment Committee has held the outdoor events for the past several years. Or- ganizers said attendance has been be- tween 40-100 people.
The film for July’s event on July 20 has not been named, but Layton and Tomaselli agree they’d like to continue the music trend by showing footage of Woodstock to celebrate the festival’s 50th anniversary.
However, Layton said the summer series of events would culminate in the showing of “Runaway Bride” on Aug. 24 at the intersection of Jeffer- son and Main streets.
“It’s just so cool to sit on the streets that it was filmed on and … you can point out the landmarks as you’re sit- ting there watching it, and I just think that’s super fun,” Layton said.
Set in the fictional town of Hale, Maryland, the film was shot in Berlin in 1998.
Additionally, Layton said she’s planning something special in honor of the film’s 20th anniversary.
“What I’m picturing is participants going and scouring all the local thrift shops for old wedding dresses and bridesmaids gowns,” Layton said. “ … [Then], tentatively meeting up at the hotel, parading to Stephen Decatur Park [and] racing [around the park] in the wedding outfits…”
She added the top three winners would receive prizes in the following categories: men, women and chil- dren, and best costume.
“We’re still working out all the de- tails,” she said.
Visit the organization’s Facebook page, “Berlin MD Arts & Entertain- ment,” or check out the website, artsinberlin.org, for more informa- tion.