By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer

The FY2023 budget results were presented at an October Council. The audited number will be provided in November.
(Oct. 19, 2023) Natalie Saleh, the finance director for the Town of Berlin presented the unaudited finances for Fiscal Year 2023 during the last Tuesday’s mayor and council meeting.
Total revenue raised in the general fund was $9 million, with 47 percent of that coming from property taxes. Other sources of funds included 20 percent from intergovernmental revenues, 10 percent from service charges, 6 percent from grants and other revenue from licenses and permits, and impact fee reserves and other sources of income.
The general fund is the general operating fund for the Town of Berlin. Money in the fund is spent for the general government and in accordance with the annual appropriated budget approved by the mayor and council, according to materials presented by Saleh.
Saleh said that actual revenue came in at over $13 million, including $4.8 million from grants.
‘If we take that amount out, we are pretty much at the level of what we budgeted,” Saleh said.
Expenses came in at $9 million, with 31 percent going towards public safety, 26 percent to general government expenses, 17 percent going towards capital outlay and 15 percent to public works.
Capital fund projects included a wage compensation study and plan for growth, surveillance cameras, the Berlin bike path, handguns and Tasers for the police department, road barriers, street and path paving, snow blowers, playground equipment and a comfort station for the Stephen Decatur Park, lights for the Henry Park basketball court. Two trucks were purchased for Public Works and Police.
Saleh said not all capital fund projects were completed during the fiscal year and funding was carried forward for those projects.
The electric revenue was up by $178,000, the water fund was also up by $139,000, sewer was up over $1 million, stormwater fund came in at a small loss of less than $1000.
Saleh said she will get final reports from the auditors in November and the audited statements will be presented in December.