Crowds gather to enjoy a musical performance on Main Street in front of the Atlantic Hotel during the inaugural Small Town Throw Down in 2017 in Berlin.
By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer
(Sept. 5, 2019) Berlin will take on the flavor of Nashville Saturday, with live country music bands performing during the Small Town Throw Down on Main Street from 1-6 p.m.
Taking the stage at the Atlantic Hotel on Main Street during this third annual event will be Boy in Black, a Johnny Cash tribute band, Jason Morton and the Chesapeake Sons and Ruthie and the Wranglers.
Laura Stearns, the hotel’s general manager, said a trip to Nashville by the business’s owners John and Michelle Fager inspired the idea for the country music festival in 2017.
“The first year it was a great success, and then the second year … was rained out,” she said.
The Town of Berlin will close Main Street during the concert, as event organizers anticipate that approximately 1,000 people will attend the Small Town Throw Down, weather permitting.
“If it’s a beautiful day, it’s going to be packed,” she said.
In addition to hearing the aforementioned performers, visitors to the event can also take advantage of several types food and beverages for sale. Some of the selections include barbecue, kettle corn, crab cakes, and hotdogs.
Proceeds from Burley Oak Brewing Company’s beer truck will go to Berlin’s Arts and Entertainment Committee, according to event organizers.
Stearns said the free music festival should be memorable.
“I just think it’s an opportunity to come out, and see a show that’s world-class for no cost, and be able to take in the delicious foods and charm that the Town of Berlin has to offer,” Stearns said.
For more information, visit the event’s Facebook page, “Berlin Small Town Throw Down” at facebook.com/events/town-of-berlin-maryland/berlin-small-town-throw-down/1807624256006766/.