(April 2, 2015) In a minor Main Street shakeup, two shops are moving to new locations in Berlin.
Bungalow Love, currently tucked away on 12 Williams Street, will move to 9 South Main Street later this month. The current occupant, Bustle Bridal Shop, has already expanded to a new space on 16 Broad Street.
“We hope to be in there mid-April,” Bungalow Love Owner Heather Layton said of the new location. “They’re laying new floors in there right now. Once the floors are laid, I’ll be moving over there.”
Layton said the new location would allow her to double her inventory.
“I bought a ton from a couple of handmade shows that I have gone to. Between Baltimore and Philly I’m always collecting business cards,” she said, adding the store would carry new handmade merchandise from artists in Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania.
The Main Street location also gives Layton a “proper backroom office and backroom area,” she said.
“It’s going to be amazing to just have everything in one location versus my garage, my table, the shop,” she said.
Layton also expects to benefit from increased visibility on Main Street.
“I love this street and I love this location, but on Main Street there’s parking right in front of the shop, there’s parking lots directly across the street, and hopefully more foot traffic,” she said. “It’s got a great display window, so I’m super excited about having a proper shop window.”
A “for rent” sign was visible in the window at 12 Williams Street this week. As of press time, no new business was slated to move into the former Bungalow Love location.
Bungalow Love, currently tucked away on 12 Williams Street, will move to 9 South Main Street later this month. The current occupant, Bustle Bridal Shop, has already expanded to a new space on 16 Broad Street.
“We hope to be in there mid-April,” Bungalow Love Owner Heather Layton said of the new location. “They’re laying new floors in there right now. Once the floors are laid, I’ll be moving over there.”
Layton said the new location would allow her to double her inventory.
“I bought a ton from a couple of handmade shows that I have gone to. Between Baltimore and Philly I’m always collecting business cards,” she said, adding the store would carry new handmade merchandise from artists in Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania.
The Main Street location also gives Layton a “proper backroom office and backroom area,” she said.
“It’s going to be amazing to just have everything in one location versus my garage, my table, the shop,” she said.
Layton also expects to benefit from increased visibility on Main Street.
“I love this street and I love this location, but on Main Street there’s parking right in front of the shop, there’s parking lots directly across the street, and hopefully more foot traffic,” she said. “It’s got a great display window, so I’m super excited about having a proper shop window.”
A “for rent” sign was visible in the window at 12 Williams Street this week. As of press time, no new business was slated to move into the former Bungalow Love location.