A school bus turns onto William Street in Berlin on Tuesday afternoon. Councilman Dean Burrell expressed concerns during a Town Council meeting last Monday over other vehicles speeding during times students are going to and from school.
By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer
(Sept. 19, 2019) The dangers posed by cars speeding down streets as school buses load and unload were brought to the attention of the Berlin Town Council last Monday by Coun- cilman Dean Burrell.
Recalling having seen a silver pickup truck traveling down Branch Street that morning at an estimated 60 mph, Burrell said, “It is a dangerous situation with children waiting at their bus stop to have a vehicle going that fast.”
Berlin Police Department Chief Arnold Downing acknowledged Burrell’s frustrations and said he’d work to increase patrols.
Downing said that some areas of concern are on Broad, William and Flower streets. He mentioned Esham Avenue and Powell Circle as other points of interest.
He also said drivers committing those infractions are most likely going to or from work or school.
In the case of juvenile drivers, he said residents, the school deputy and law enforcement can work together to track down offenders.
“We get a quick phone call, we can actually have somebody either call the deputy at school, who can assist us, or we can make contact with those individuals,” he said.
He added that law enforcement rely on the public calling to report any incidents of speeding.
“We can’t do this job … without the community,” Downing said.