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Pain management is shockingly simple with E-Stim

BERLIN — Setting aside the fight to prevent and cure disease, the medical watchword — phrase, really — of the decade is pain management. Advances in nutrition and healthcare have allowed Americans to be more active for longer than ever before. But with expanded life-expectancy and the quality of life that it tends to inspire,… Read more »

‘The chocolate will be at toxic levels’

WEST OCEAN CITY — Jan and Louise from CraZy LadyZ want you to recall Dear Aunt Sally. You may remember her from eighth grade math class as My Dear Aunt Sally — the mnemonic device for the order of operations — but if you happen to you’re already way ahead of the game. The game,… Read more »

Fischer takes business elsewhere

BERLIN — Patricia Fischer was doing double duty, manning the Town Center Antiques counter and flipping through the store’s financials. Mid-morning is typically a quiet time in the Main Street shop and the owner was taking advantage of the lull to catch up on some paperwork and talk about the company’s newest destination — the… Read more »

Filling a blank canvas in West OC

WEST OCEAN CITY — Having the Dew Tour come to Ocean City was driven, in part, by the fact that for decades, Northern Worcester County has been home to a thriving skate and surf subculture. Although to be a subculture  a group has to be defined by more than what its clothes, the clothes act… Read more »

Monkey's Trunk Moves

WEST OCEAN CITY — It takes a certain amount of confidence in both your business and your regular clientele to pick up an move after 10 years in the same place. But after a little more than a week in their new Ocean City digs John Meyers and Ron Saunders, owners of the Monkey’s Trunk… Read more »

It's time to try the muskrat

PITTSVILLE — Mount Vernon native Robert Taylor has been trapping muskrat for the better part of his 72 years. He rises early, even for a farmer, and heads out to start checking his traps. During muskrat season, which ends in March, he will be able to sell as many as he can catch to Dave… Read more »

There is no end to the fun or to the finds at Elizabeth’s Treasures

OCEAN PINES — When Elizabeth Stout opened Elisabeth’s Treasures two years ago she was completely content with occupying the bottom half of the converted split level home between Ocean Parkway and Manklin Meadows Lane, but had her eye on the upstairs. Stout wanted the second floor not so much because it would provide her additional… Read more »

All work is play at the Woodlands

OCEAN PINES — Woodlands owner Rick Handelman had a devilish look in his eye as he approached the front desk. “Watch this, they hate this,” he said waiving his hand in front of the three-foot-tall Santa standing guard next to the desk.  “They” were the staff and residents at the Woodlands and the result of… Read more »

Welcome to Christmas Pointe

WEST OCEAN CITY — Somewhere there is an old photograph of a very young Chuck Dondero messing with the display in his family’s Boardwalk shop. While it’s not, strictly speaking, a point of dispute, Dondero claims he was showing his budding talent as a stock boy, arranging the items for sale. His wife, Linda, claims… Read more »

Small Business Saturday in Berlin

BERLIN — While the big retailers inch Black Friday forward in an attempt to stretch the holiday shopping rush, small retailers are taking the opposite tack with the help of an unlikely sponsor: American Express. Last year the credit card company inaugurated Small Business Saturday to highlight supporting small local businesses not only as part… Read more »