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Ethics hurdles inevitable

Avoiding conflicts of interests and the appearance of ethically compromising circumstances in small communities is one of the most difficult tasks public servants face. It’s not because of any particular fault of officials at the community or the county level, but because smaller populations increase the likelihood that an official will encounter, in the course… Read more »

No easy answer for police

The police always need the public’s help, but not just any kind of help, which is why involving neighborhood watch groups in law enforcement efforts can be awkward and even dangerous. As Pocomoke Police Chief William Harden told a gathering of citizens last week, public involvement in protecting the community is vital to the department’s… Read more »

Protesting IS American

Regardless of what anyone says — and people are saying quite a bit these days — nothing is more American than protest. We may not like it, we may be made uncomfortable by it and we even may be enraged by it when the message goes contrary to what we believe. The purpose of protest,… Read more »

Maintaining expectations

The newly appointed Berlin Falls Park Advisory Committee has a great opportunity and a tough assignment. The opportunity, obviously, is to guide the creation of a real recreational jewel for the town. The tough assignment: help manage the public’s expectations. Even though developing practical ideas and recommendations for the mayor and council to consider will… Read more »

Doors of tattoo perception

As the Town of Berlin gets down to the business of establishing standards that may or may not allow tattoo artists to set up shop in town, residents, merchants and officials need to accept the fact that the tattoo business isn’t what it used to be. Time was that tattoo parlors were fixtures of the… Read more »

Bravo on Berlin accord

It was hard not to be moved on Monday night in Berlin, when 40 minutes of vigorous debate ended in a compromise and those in attendance broke out into spontaneous applause over the outcome. It’s the kind of thing you dream about seeing in Washington, but only really happens in Frank Capra films.   A… Read more »

Ocean Pines gets reboot

As of today, it’s the Ocean Pines Association 2.0. That’s if one were to employ the computer software manufacturers’ way of saying “we’re going to get it right this time.” With new General Manager John Bailey running the OPA, and a new board member to be named on Thursday to replace Brett Hill, who resigned… Read more »

OPA, Bailey get fresh start

A fresh start, that’s what new Ocean Pines General Manager John Bailey promises to deliver to the community, even if he has not and probably would not say such a thing. It’s good form, generally speaking, for anyone about to asåsume responsibility in new managerial circumstance to respond to well wishers and congratulatory comments with… Read more »

Wishing Bailey the best

 The only thing that needs to be said with regard to new Ocean Pines Association General Manager John Bailey is, “good luck.” And that’s a sincere wish, with not one iota of sarcasm attached. Everyone, regardless of his or her specific interests, wants Bailey to do well and act as a calming influence on the… Read more »

Help for hurricane victims

As is the custom in these parts when tragedy strikes elsewhere, northern Worcester County residents are preparing to do what they can to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey. Following this tradition is one of the few times when it is perfectly acceptable to say, “That’s how we’ve always done it.” One reason for our… Read more »