Although many in the community came out Thursday evening to make their views clear on the issue of the Family Fun Day on Sundays at the adult pool during the summer, they also addressed the more important issue of how the decision process should work in such instances. In last year’s election, voters sent a… Read more »
OPA GM needs oversight
In recent months a number of decisions have been made by acting Ocean Pines General Manager Brett Hill that have seemingly caught most board members – along with the community – by surprise. The latest example is opening up the previously adults-only Oasis/Yacht Club pool to families on Sunday afternoons during the summer season. The… Read more »
Berlin’s ‘Field of Dreams’
Youth interest in organized sports, especially baseball, has been fading so rapidly in recent years that even big league officials have taken notice. This, at least, is according to articles in the Wall Street Journal, the Huffington Post, The Washington Post, Time, Forbes, The Atlantic and numerous other highly respected print and online journals. They… Read more »
Don’t bet on towns to get cut of casino funds
No one can blame Snow Hill and Pocomoke officials for seeking a tiny slice of the Ocean Downs Casino revenue pie, but they will be going against house odds to get it. It isn’t because those communities wouldn’t be able to make a reasonable argument for a share, because that wouldn’t be too difficult. Considering… Read more »
Argument for fiber thin
A push coming from ThinkBig Networks is encouraging the community to pressure the Ocean Pines Board of Directors to make a quick decision to allow an easement for fiber optic cable to be run in the community. Initially, the proposal looks like a no-brainer with no up-front cost to OPA to have the lines run,… Read more »
Pines gamble worthwhile
The Ocean Pines Association search for a general manager to take over from interim operational chief Brett Hill is akin to the “Forrest Gump” box of chocolates observation: “You never know what you’re going to get.” Or, as Director Dave Stevens put it, “You pays your money and takes your chances.” That’s about the size… Read more »
Addressing gulf on golf
Returning the Ocean Pines golf course to local control by ending the contract with Landscapes Unlimited was the right move for the Ocean Pines Board of Directors, who ascertained correctly that saving money in this instance is as good as making it. Even though Landscapes did make improvements in the operation, the course looks to… Read more »
Third time’s the charm?
Don’t be too hasty in making judgments on the quality of the food and service at the yacht club, now rebranded as Mumford’s Landing, since the Ocean Pines restaurant and club is going through the same thing all new restaurants do. As veteran diners know — and Ocean Pines has plenty of them — the… Read more »
Shoes off to Jesse Turner
Now that Jesse Turner is moving on at the age of 86, thousands of people in the area will no doubt will be wondering, “Now what will we do?” Turner, who’s owned the Berlin Shoe Box for decades and seems to have worked there since the beginning of time, is one of those people out-of-towners… Read more »
Er on side of inclusion
If local governments and community associations were marching bands, they would be moving to the beat of conundrums. A bad pun that may be, but it is a good way to describe how small government operations find themselves in an endless struggle to keep assessments at a politically acceptable level, while also ensuring that services… Read more »