It took Ocean Pines woman 11 yrs. to achieve her goal, just short of 40th birthday By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (Nov. 9, 2023) It took 11 years, but she did it. Laura Scharle paddled 600 miles around the entire Delmarva Peninsula. That includes nearly the entire coast of Delaware from Delaware City, down the Eastern… Read more »
Buckingham Elem. needs replacing, say backers
By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (Nov. 9. 2023) Main Street in Berlin was filled with marching parents, teachers and students chanting “Build the bear!” last Friday evening during a protest over lack of state funding for the construction of a new Buckingham Elementary School (BES). Hundreds of people attended the march, carrying signs reading “It’s time… Read more »
State argues to Maryland’s Appellate Court that judge erred in dismissing charges
By Hunter Hine, Staff Writer (Nov. 2, 2023) On Oct. 19, clerks of the Appellate Court of Maryland filed an appellant brief from Maryland’s Attorney General Anthony Brown that outlines the state’s objection to the dismissal of charges against Tyler Mailloux, 23, of Berlin. Mailloux was charged as the driver in the hit-and-run that killed Gavin… Read more »
US Wind manager outlines what turbines will, won’t do
By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (Nov. 2, 2023) The wind energy discussion continues in the coastal area, giving residents the opportunity to learn about the plans and impacts and weigh in on the projects with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) during the comment period, which closes on Nov. 20. Ocean Pines residents had the… Read more »
Skate park site OK’d to seek funding, Heron Park further discussed
Exact nature of Heron Park has yet to be determined By Hunter Hine, Staff Writer The Berlin mayor and Town Council continued to mull Heron Park’s fate at their Monday meeting, although they did agree to designate it as the site of a new municipal skate park. While discussing an already-passed motion that designates part… Read more »
Berlin mayor and council tables approval of West Street upgrade designs
By Hunter Hine, Staff Writer The Berlin Town Council on Monday tabled a motion that would contract the design of infrastructure improvements on West Street until its next meeting on Nov. 2. Council members voted 4-1 to push the motion down the road, with Councilman Steve Green voting against it. The motion would grant a… Read more »
Berlin mayor and council learn more about EDU defintion, acquisition
By Cindy Hoffman and Hunter Hine, Staff Writers The debate over what the Town of Berlin could and could not do with EDUs was one of the key factors that sabotaged the deal with Palmer Gillis of Coastal Ventures Properties to purchase parcel 57 on the Heron Park tract, once the site of the Tyson’s… Read more »
Plant tour reveals sorry shape of old Tyson’s building
Town officials, public see for themselves how some sections must come down By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (Oct. 19, 2023) Berlin residents regularly drive by the old Tyson’s Processing Plant on Old Ocean City Boulevard, but most have never been inside. On Tuesday night last week, that changed as Andrew Welch, a senior structural engineer from… Read more »
Cardamone rebuts shed theft assertions
Sheriff’s office chief of staff says claims on OP podcast don’t reflect facts of case By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (Oct. 19, 2023) Despite assertions on a local podcast that working firearms and evidence were not kept in the Ocean Pines Police Department storage shed that was broken into last December, that was not the case,… Read more »
Farmer teaches others how to safely forage for mushrooms
(Oct. 19, 2023) Mathew Harhai of Goat Plum Tree Farms introduces people to the wonderful world of mushrooms. Harhai calls himself an amateur when it comes to mycology, the study of mushrooms, since he did not graduate with a degree. He learned how to forage for mushrooms when he lived in Oregon around Mount Hood…. Read more »