By Greg Ellison (Oct. 2, 2020) OPA Board member Steve Tuttle put his house up for sale this week, opening the door for a potential replacement to be appointed. Tuttle, who was elected in 2018 and served as vice-president last year, is up for reelection in 2021. Director Frank Daly said Tuttle has informed the… Read more »
Hazmat team summoned to Ocean Pines
By Greg Ellison (Oct. 1, 2020) What began as a welfare check at a residence in Ocean Pines on Sunday afternoon grew into a three-hour response involving multiple agencies, including the Worcester County Hazmat team. Police Chief Leo Ehrisman said the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department was alerted for a medical emergency just after 4… Read more »
Berlin council candidates discuss goals
By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer (Oct. 1, 2020) The candidates running for Berlin Town Council provide their opinions and plans to improve the town’s finances and transparency with the community before the Oct. 6 election. Can you briefly provide your professional background and your connection to Berlin? Jay Knerr for at-large council seat: My name… Read more »
Mayoral candidates address town plans
By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer (Oct. 1, 2020) With the Berlin municipal election taking place next Tuesday, the five mayoral candidates provided their opinions and plans about town issues, specifically regarding finances and growth in the area. What is your professional background and your connection to Berlin? Gee Williams: I was born and raised in… Read more »
Austin Purnell appointed to planning com.
Audience cries foul during raucous council meeting By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer (Oct. 1, 2020) Awkward. That’s the only way to describe one of the more rancorous Berlin Mayor and Council meetings to be held in some time, as residents gathered Monday night to challenge the appointment of Austin Purnell to the town’s Planning and… Read more »
Daly lines up new Golf Committee chair
By Greg Ellison Board liaison sources fresh candidate to take reins as advisory group chairperson (Sept. 24, 2020) Following the recent resignation of two Ocean Pines Golf Committee members, the board of directors’ liaison to the committee, Frank Daly, is on the verge of nominating a new chairperson and said he is encouraged by recent… Read more »
Worcester County Veterans Memorial event goes virtual
By Greg Ellison Social distancing standard makes having live audience difficult to accommodate (Sept. 24, 2020) Unable to proceed in traditional fashion, but not wanting to skip its annual Veterans Day tribute, the Worcester County Veterans Memorial Foundation’s program will proceed virtually this year. In lieu of the typical gathering held on Nov. 11 at the… Read more »
As schools convene, safety guiding principle
Public, private institutions adopt different strategies to keep students, staff safe By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer (Sept. 24, 2020) Public and private schools in Worcester County are adapting to new safety protocols to allow for in-person instruction, as the covid-19 pandemic continues to spread, although at a slower pace. Nearly 18 percent of public school… Read more »
Deadline nears to join Berlin race as write-in
By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer (Sept. 24, 2020) Berlin residents who are interested in filing as write-in candidates for the Oct. 6 municipal election have until next Tuesday at 5 p.m. to do so. Deputy Town Administrator Mary Bohlen said residents may obtain a filing packet from her at Town Hall, 10 William Street. The… Read more »
Berlin parade, other events killed by covid
Inability to social distance causes schedule changes By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer (Sept. 17, 2020) The covid-19 Grinch might not steal Christmas this year, but it has caused the cancellation of one of Berlin’s signature Christmas events — the annual parade, which draws throngs of spectators from the area. The pandemic, and the town’s efforts… Read more »