By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer (Aug. 20, 2020) The Worcester County Board of Education reviewed the revised “Responsible Return” model that it had to turn into the Maryland State Department of Education by last Friday during its meeting on Tuesday. “It was a draft. We had several things that we were in the process of… Read more »
Volunteers remove tree debris in OP
By Greg Ellison (Aug. 13, 2020) In the aftermath of Tropical Storm Isasis, a group of chainsaw-equipped and work boot-clad volunteers organized through the “Worcester County Local Help for You: Facebook page went into last Saturday to remove tree debris from half a dozen yards in Ocean Pines. In March, following the onset of covid-19… Read more »
OP voters re-elect two incumbents to board of directors
By Greg Ellison Parks leads pack with big majority of all votes cast in Pines election (Aug. 13, 2020) The 2020 OPA Board of Directors election results were compiled on Friday, with the ballot count adding up to make incumbents Doug Parks and Colette Horn the winners in the three-way race for a pair of… Read more »
Berlin sewer fund debt reduction approved
By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer (Aug. 13, 2020) The Berlin Mayor and Council on Monday agreed to write off half the $3.4 million the town’s separate sewer fund owes the general fund, while committing to repay the remaining $1.7 million to the general fund over 10 or more years. Currently, the mayor and council receive… Read more »
Seeds of mystery planted with free packs from China
By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer (Aug. 13, 2020) Residents of at least 22 states in the U.S., including Maryland, have received mysterious, unsolicited seeds allegedly mailed from China. As of Monday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) received four reports of unsolicited seed packages from Worcester County residents, said… Read more »
Maryland Coastal Bays applying for federal estuary grants
By Greg Ellison (Aug. 6, 2020) The Maryland Coastal Bays Program is applying this week for a Coastal Watersheds Grant through the National Estuary Program. Executive Director Kevin Smith said Restore America’s Estuaries administers the funding stream provided by the Environmental Protection Agency for the National Estuary Program. “We’re putting in three proposals,” he said…. Read more »
OPA annual meeting must have quorum
By Greg Ellison Representation of members needed to finalize election (Aug. 6, 2020) Scheduled outdoors at the Worcester County Veterans Memorial to accommodate social distancing guidelines, and contingent on attendance, the Ocean Pines Association’s annual meeting Saturday will likely finalize the 2020 Board of Director election results. OPA Vice President Steve Tuttle said the homeowners… Read more »
Town steers clear of forums
Municipality can’t be involved in delivering campaign messages By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer (Aug. 6, 2020) Berlin citizens will vote for a mayor as well as District 2, District 3 and at-large town council seats during the Oct. 6 municipal election. Currently, there are five candidates for mayor, two candidates for the at-large councilmember seat… Read more »
Private schools to start on campus in Sept., WCPS to return virtually in fall
By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer (Aug. 6, 2020) Gov. Larry Hogan issued an amended emergency order on Monday to ensure that local schools retain the primary authority to evaluate when to reopen their facilities for in-person instruction with guidance from CDC and the state. “To be clear, Maryland’s recovery continues to be based on a… Read more »
OP drainage project funded over half million from DNR
By Greg Ellison (July 30, 2020) A Department of Natural Resources grant to help pay to complete drainage repairs in Ocean Pines has been approved, giving the Ocean Pines Association more than a half-million dollars to spend on the project. Altogether, $549,000 was awarded to the community by DNR, which worked through the Chesapeake &… Read more »