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Pines Bay Day offers variety of fun, enlightening activities


By Greg Ellison (Sept. 5, 2019) Earth-conscious individuals can learn how to help area waterways by growing native plants, while also learning about the  efforts of dozens of area environmentalist organizations, along with the prerequisite music, food and drinks, during the second annual Bay Day at Ocean Pines in White Horse Park on Sunday from… Read more »

Farmer suicide prevention program expands impact


By Greg Ellison (Aug. 28, 2019) Since launching the “Save a Shore Farmer,” campaign last year, the Jessie Klump Suicide Awareness and Prevention Program has seen the approach resonate throughout the area, with renewed funding helping to finance an expanded approach in year two. Ron Pilling, treasurer for the Jessie Klump Memorial Fund, said the… Read more »

New OPA Board members get HOA lesson

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(Aug. 29, 2019) Looking to hit the ground running, newly elected Ocean Pines Association Board of Director members Tom Janasek, Larry Perrone and Camilla Rogers attended an hours-long informational session at the Beach Club on 49th Street in Ocean City on Monday. OPA legal counsel Jeremy Tucker opened the session with a crash course in… Read more »

Heron Park clean-up racks up additional $30K invoices

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By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer (Aug. 29, 2019) The saga of the caustic chemical clean-up at Heron Park continued Monday evening after the Berlin Town Council unanimously agreed to authorize two more payments totaling $30,453.50. “This is an ongoing clean-up that we expect to be completed by the end of this week,” Berlin’s Mayor Gee… Read more »

Another grant enables town to pursue wetland project

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Money from Coastal Bays eliminates need to borrow from Berlin’s water fund By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer (Aug. 29, 2019) A submerged gravel wetland project designed to reduce flooding on Graham Avenue took a step forward Monday evening after The Town of Berlin secured additional funding from the Maryland Coastal Bays Program. The Town Council… Read more »

OPA board finds petitions invalid

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Effort to force referendums falls short in voter totals and guidelines in bylaws By Greg Ellison (Aug. 22, 2019) The pair of petitions submitted by former board member Slobodan Trendic calling for referendums on $3 million in capital improvements at the Ocean Pines Golf Course have failed, the Ocean Pines Association announced Wednesday morning. One… Read more »

OPA and Ortt Companies sign on for 3-5 more years

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By Greg Ellison Staff Writer (Aug. 22, 2019) The Matt Ortt Companies, which turned around the money-losing food operations at the Ocean Pines Yacht Club and Beach Club last year, inked a fresh 3-5-year contract last week that includes plans for a third location at the to-be-expanded Tern Grille. The Ocean Pines Board of Directors… Read more »

Berlin revises stormwater priorities

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By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer (Aug. 22, 2019) To improve its chances of obtaining FEMA funding for storm water-control projects, the Berlin Town Council last Monday took one long-range plan off its list of priorities. Town Administrator Laura Allen said the town probably wouldn’t get to what’s known as “Project Five, Tier II, on Bottle Branch… Read more »

Derelict house will be razed in controlled burn

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By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer (Aug. 22, 2019) A derelict home that’s become an eyesore on Flower Street is scheduled to be razed via a controlled burn by the Berlin Fire Company, Berlin Planning Director Dave Englehart told the mayor and Town Council meeting last Monday. Engelhart said the burn is set for sometime in September,… Read more »

Parking issues resurface after fire

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By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer (Aug. 15, 2019) A garage fire on Grace Street last month did more than destroy a building — it also revealed another serious problem with parking in Berlin. “It brings it back to the forefront,” Berlin Police Department Chief Arnold Downing said following a Town Council meeting Monday evening. The fire… Read more »