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Wilkinson Award goes to Gilmore

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Vets Memorial Foundation president honored for her years of volunteer service (Aug. 19, 2021) Although the lack of a quorum prevented the Ocean Pines Association’s annual homeowners’ meeting from taking place Saturday, association officials did take the time to present the 2021 Sam Wilkinson Volunteer Award to Veterans Memorial Foundation President Marie Gilmore. Recreation and… Read more »

Pines committee reviews recreation projects

Ocean Pines

(Aug. 19, 2021) Ocean Pines Recreation and Parks Committee discussed the possibility of improvements to walking trails in Ocean Pines and a variety of other subjects during its meeting last Monday. Committee member Patti Stevens, filling in for Chairman Steve Cohen, who was unable to attend, reviewed several proposed projects. Stevens also prepared a questionnaire… Read more »

Pines election update: Court hearing set Aug. 30

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On Thursday afternoon, Worcester County Circuit Court Judge Beau Oglesby scheduled a preliminary injunction hearing for Aug. 30 at 11 a.m. (Aug. 19, 2021) Although the Ocean Pines Association annual homeowners meeting Saturday was a washout because of the lack of quorum, the greater issue before Ocean Pines voters is the lack of an election,… Read more »

Court hits pause button on OP election

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Farr’s candidacy will turn on how judge sees property ownership by family trust By Greg Ellison (Aug. 12, 2021) The Ocean Pines Board of Directors election entered unchartered waters on Tuesday when Worcester County Circuit Court Judge Beau Oglesby issued a temporary restraining order to stay the election until after a hearing on whether disqualified… Read more »

Kennedy sources father for children’s book


Authors first youth reader harkens back to memories of yesteryear with parents By Greg Ellison (Aug. 12, 2021) Ocean Pines resident Maureen Kennedy, who operates the My Backyard store in the Manklin Creek Shopping Center, has realized a lifetime goal after recently publishing her first children’s book, “A Wonderful Day with Gilly Gilay.” “It was… Read more »

Pines Bylaws Committee vets language changes

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By Greg Ellison (Aug. 12, 2021) The Ocean Pines Bylaws and Resolutions Committee considered several language changes to association governing documents during its meeting on Friday. The first matter was related to the percentage of votes required to pass a referendum. Committee chairman Jim Trummel said the bylaws work group examining potential updates to the… Read more »

Pines Board splits vote to continue election


Special meeting held on Monday quickly negated after court intervention  By Greg Ellison (Aug. 12, 2021) A motion to rescind the Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors’ decisions last week to declare then board candidate Rick Farr ineligible to run but to continue with the nearly completed election ’s was voted down during a special… Read more »

OP/Berlin Police Briefs

By Greg Ellison Juvenile car theft Berlin Police were led on a brief pursuit early Sunday morning after seeing a vehicle doing “doughnuts” near Church Street. The incident, which took place around 3 a.m., concluded after the 16-year-old behind the wheel of a stolen vehicle wrecked the car in a yard in the 200 block… Read more »

Berlin Briefs 08/12/2021

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By Greg Ellison (Aug. 12, 2021) Berlin Town Council approved a grant application for basketball court lighting at Henry Park, along with a special use request for a school supply and movie night at the site, as well as reviewing timelines for dispersing federal covid relief funds during its meeting on Monday. ARPA timelines Mayor… Read more »

Berlin Community Center Committee details set

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By Greg Ellison (Aug. 12, 2021) After opting against paying for a feasibility study for a proposed community center on Flower Street in June, the Berlin Town Council on Monday voted to create a committee to vet the topic. During the discussions in June, Councilman Jack Orris proposed forming a Community Center Development Committee to… Read more »