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Berlin Council supports fund request for sports complex

Berlin town hall

By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (Jan. 11, 2024) The Berlin Town Council voted to have Mayor Zack Tyndall send a letter to Secretary Helene Grady of the Maryland Department of Budget and Management supporting Ocean City’s request for $1.2 million in state funding to perform a site assessment, preliminary design and cost estimates for a youth… Read more »

Berlin Briefs

Taylor bank dumpster

By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (Jan. 11, 2024) The Berlin Historic Committee and the mayor and council discussed and approved the following matters at their meetings this week. South Main Street The Berlin Historic Commission approved the replacement of a metal awning that was damaged by a delivery truck in October at 7 South Main Street. The… Read more »

Bringing Art to all serves local community

Ocean City Art L eague

Residents and visitors alike enjoy classes and exhibits provided by OC Art League By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (Jan. 4, 2024) The Art League of Ocean City celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2023 and had its most successful year yet, both programmatically and financially, according to Executive Director Rina Thaler. “Art is so much more than… Read more »

Flush with cash, OP seeks improvement

Rick Farr

Racquet club, tiki bar will be enhanced, golf course will install spray irrigation By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (Jan. 4, 2023) Under the direction of President Rick Farr and General Manager John Viola, the Ocean Pines Association has been going full steam ahead with projects to enhance amenities and make improvements in the community. At the… Read more »

IAC still saying maybe on Buckingham funds


By Hunter Hine, Staff Writer (Dec. 21, 2023) Maryland’s Interagency Commission on School Construction (IAC) didn’t allocate any state funding to Buckingham Elementary’s replacement project in the agency’s preliminary 2025 capital improvement plan budget, but this could change once the budget is finalized in May. At a meeting over Zoom last Thursday, the IAC approved staff… Read more »

Ocean Pines groups gather to spread joy over holidays

Seniors gifts

By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (Dec. 21, 2023) The Ocean Pines Yacht Club was bubbling over with Christmas spirit on Saturday as volunteers gathered to provide gifts for those in need. In the morning, the Ocean Pines Get Involved Facebook group joined Worcester GOLD to brighten up the holiday for seniors who are home alone this… Read more »

Worcester Chamber adds Ocean Pines to its name

Worcester Chamber of Commerce

In light of criticism, board eliminates confusion over organization’s home base By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (Dec. 21, 2023) The newly named Worcester Chamber of Commerce has modified its new logo and name and will now be known as the Worcester Chamber of Commerce in Ocean Pines. The decision was made during a board meeting last… Read more »