(June 1, 2017) The Pocomoke City Council discussed the following items during a public meeting at City Hall last Monday. Budget draft The council reviewed an updated draft of the fiscal year 2018 operating budget, which City Manager/City Attorney Ernie Crofoot said factors in recommendations made during a special budget work session on May 12…. Read more »
Speaker highlights Coast Guard
(June 1, 2017) Memorial Day is about taking time to remember “those that have lost their lives while serving on active duty defending the United States of America and the freedoms we hold near and dear to our heart,” Master Chief Petty Officer Timaree Sparks told the audience at the Memorial Day ceremony in Ocean… Read more »
Two directors were not present during brief OPA meeting
(June 1, 2017) The Ocean Pines Board of Directors regular board meeting Saturday lasted less than 40 minutes — a rarity — and did not include directors Cheryl Jacobs and Slobodan Trendic. One item, an amendment to Resolution M-02 on amenity policies, was removed from the agenda because Jacobs was scheduled to lead the discussion…. Read more »
Groundbreaking of new $6M Berlin library set for June 6
(June 1, 2017) Worcester County and Berlin officials, and members of the Worcester County Library Board, will lead a groundbreaking ceremony for the new $6.25 million Berlin branch on Harrison Avenue, Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. The new, four-times larger library will be 12,000 square feet spread out over two stories. “The current branch opened in… Read more »
Commissioner Purnell asks for community input
(June 1, 2017) County Commissioner Diana Purnell made a call for civic engagement during a sparsely attended town hall meeting at the Pocomoke Library, last Thursday. Fellow Commissioner Merrill Lockfaw had planned to cohost the town hall, but could not be there because of scheduling conflicts. Purnell said she and Worcester County Director of Economic… Read more »
Pines man honors U.S. soldiers who liberated village
(June 1, 2017) Ocean Pines resident Roelof “Dutch” Oostveen recently visited the Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial in his native country to honor the people who helped to liberate his small village more than 70 years ago during World War II. He plans to return there next year and has an offer for anyone reading… Read more »
Forbes: OPA one of best retirement locales in nation
(June 1, 2017) Forbes magazine, a leading source for business news and financial information, has named Ocean Pines as one of the top places in the nation to retire in 2017. “The news was greeted with plenty of enthusiasm from the Ocean Pines Association,” Ocean Pines Marketing and Public Relations Director Denise Sawyer said. “We’ve… Read more »
Coastal Hospice addresses OPA
(June 1, 2017) The new Coastal Hospice at the Ocean facility in Ocean Pines is being classified – and treated – as a business, according to President Alane Capen. Capen and Coastal Hospice Director of Development Maureen McNeill attended an Ocean Pines Board meeting on Saturday to give an update on the project and ask… Read more »
Judge postpones Dacanay trial on attorney request
(June 1, 2017) A man accused of threatening his family with a kitchen knife before barricading himself in his Ocean Pines home had his trial in District Court delayed until July 18 over the protests of his attorney, Marc Zeve. State’s Attorney Heather Clarke opened the proceeding by requesting a later start, citing her difficulty… Read more »
Wascak brings team spirit, gov’t experience to OPA race
(June 1, 2017) Brenda Lynn Wascak, 56, brings several decades of experience with the U.S. Department of Defense to the 2017 Ocean Pines Association Election. She has worked at Fort Meade in Anne Arundel County for 33 years, most recently in human resources, but is planning to retire in September and wants to become more… Read more »