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Berlin Briefs

(April 30, 2015) Among the topics discussed by the Berlin mayor and council Monday night were: Yoga in the park Mayor Gee Williams asked yoga instructor Emily Keen and Zenna Wellness Studio owner Chrissy Ehrhart to look for a nonprofit partner before seeking council approval for their yoga in the park project. Keen hoped to… Read more »

Wor. Arts Council to host inaugural race/walk May 16

(April 30, 2015) Looking to spread the word about upcoming exhibitions and projects, and possibly to increase membership, the Worcester County Arts Council will hold its inaugural 5K Race/Walk for the Arts on Saturday, May 16. Included in the $25 registration fee for the event is a T-shirt and a one-year membership to the arts… Read more »

Despite delays, Berlin sidewalk breaks ground

(April 30, 2015) After months of delays and almost comical levels of complications, construction finally began on a sidewalk connecting Stephen Decatur Park to downtown Berlin on Wednesday, April 22. The project appeared to be close to reality as far back as July 2014, when easements from a holdout homeowner in the sidewalk’s path threw… Read more »

Artists Franz and Hastings to be featured in OP library

(April 30, 2015) Two artists will be featured at the Ocean Pines library in May. Wayne Franz, photographer/oil painter, will showcase his work in the main common areas of the library. Franz is a self-taught artist and resides in the Parke at Ocean Pines. He uses film for many of his photographs which he develops… Read more »

PTA hosts May 4 raffle fundraiser for Berlin school

(April 30, 2015) The Berlin Intermediate School PTA is holding a raffle fundraiser to raise money for the students on Monday, May 4 at Sweet Frog, located in the 67th Street TownCenter.   Each year, the PTA hosts a variety of fundraisers to raise money for student programs and activities.  One of the final events… Read more »

Free open house at Ocean Pines Sports Core Pool

(April 30, 2015) Ocean Pines Aquatics will host an open house at the Sports Core Pool on Saturday, May 2 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. Guests will have free use of the pool, located at 11143 Cathell Road in Ocean Pines, during the open house…. Read more »

Bishop’s Stock hosts plein air show in May

(April 30, 2015) During May, Bishop’s Stock will celebrate plein air painting with work by Gary Pendleton from North Beach in southern Maryland. Pendleton is the past president of the Mid-Atlantic Plein Air Painters Association and the author of 100 Plein Air Painters of the Mid-Atlantic, published in 2014 by Schiffer books. As a native… Read more »

Berlin unveils FY ‘16 budget draft

(April 23, 2015) Berlin’s fiscal year 2016 outlook largely maintains the status quo, according to a first look at the projected budget during a public meeting on Monday night, when the mayor, town council and department to discuss the planned $5.6 million budget, up 4 percent over the previous year. “One of the things were… Read more »

Local ties provide powerful moments during Relay rally

(April 23, 2015) Last Sunday’s Relay for Life benefit at BJ’s on the Water in Ocean City raised thousands of dollars for cancer research, but the event also included a series of powerful moments that, more than give faces to a movement, served as a rallying call to anyone who ever watched as a loved… Read more »

Berlin Dollar General battle ongoing; next stop cir. court

(April 23, 2015) Despite a series of setbacks, developer Oxford Chase and property owner Mike Hamad are still hopeful a deal can be reached to move the existing Dollar General store in Berlin to a new location on Old Ocean City Boulevard near Healthway Drive. The town’s board of zoning appeals granted a parking exception… Read more »