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Examining racial progress in Berlin

(Feb. 12, 2015) Gregory Purnell and Gee Williams both grew up in Berlin, crossing paths occasionally, and watching the slow march of progress in a segregated, southern town from opposite sides of the street. Both served in the United States Army and both left town for in-state colleges and then returned. Williams, 66, is now… Read more »

Out-of-towners charged in Berlin vandalism case

(Feb. 12, 2015) Berlin Police charged three suspects Wednesday, two juveniles and one adult, in connection with the nighttime vandalism of more than 30 cars and three businesses in the downtown area on Jan. 25. Ocean City resident Jordan Alexandria Denton, 18, and two Ocean Pines juveniles 16 and 18, were charged with 39 counts… Read more »

Dramatic exit marks Pines budget meeting

(Feb. 12, 2015) Down two directors at the beginning of the meeting and three at the end, the Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors on Saturday soldiered on during an impassioned budget session that saw one director walk out in frustration. Still, progress was made as the board met for the first time to suggest… Read more »

Officers installed during December Pine’eer meeting

(Feb. 12, 2015) During its December holiday luncheon, the Pine’eer Craft Club installed officers for 2015.   The officers are: President, Sharon Puser; First Vice President, Janet Rosensteel; Second Vice President, Lois Schultz; Recording Secretary, Linda Brindley; Corresponding Secretary, Louise Lassiter; Treasurer, Jane Wolnik; Assistant Treasurer, Grace McCormac; Shop Manager, Jacki Kollar; Shop Treasurer, Luz… Read more »

Federal regs. threaten operations at WCDC

(Feb. 12, 2015) Worcester County Developmental Center in Newark is fighting new federal regulations that threaten to compromise the ability of the center, and similar ones statewide, to assist people with disabilities with vocational training. While the state is developing a plan to comply with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ rule on Home… Read more »

OP Fire Dept. meets with directors over 2016 budget

(Feb. 12, 2015) Concerned about increases in the 2016 fiscal year budget request, the Ocean Pines Board of Directors met with officials from the community’s Fire/EMS department last Wednesday. Fire/ EMS Deputy Chief Bill Bounds and Fire Department President Dan Healy briefed the directors about the jump in numbers, up more than $200,000 over the… Read more »

Chincoteague in mix for ‘Coolest’ town designation

(Feb. 12, 2015) Nearly a year after Berlin took home the “Coolest Small Town” honors, another community not that far away is in the running for the coveted designation by Budget Travel magazine. Chincoteague, Va., which is less than 50 miles away and is home to pony swims, seafood and a seaside culture all its… Read more »

Historic Atlantic Hotel looks for ‘most romantic’ letters

(Feb. 12, 2015) The Atlantic Hotel in Berlin is celebrating its 120th anniversary this year. Since February is the month of romance, love, commitment and commemorative events, guests, visitors, patrons and residents are being asked to submit love letters, stories of romance, as well as weddings and engagements attended and fondly remember that have taken… Read more »


(Feb. 12, 2015) The Berlin mayor and council discussed several issues during a public meeting at town hall on Monday, Feb. 10.   Special event The mayor and council approved Saturday, April 4 as the date of Spring Celebration. The event runs from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. “It’s called Spring Celebration, but it’s Berlin’s… Read more »

OPA directors disagree over amenity amount in Gazette

(Feb. 12, 2015) Marty Clarke, vice president of the OPA Board of Directors, took exception with a quote by Parliamentarian Tom Terry in last week’s Bayside Gazette. In a story about the upcoming public meeting on golf, Terry said, “At the end of the day, all the amenities together, after the revenues have been generated,… Read more »