BERLIN– The town announced plans on Tuesday to honor its longest-serving council member, Paula Lynch, who has served on the Berlin council for 26 years. She will receive a communitywide sendoff On Thursday, Oct. 9, when the town hosts a coffee-and-cake farewell in the Council Chamber sat Berlin Town Hall on 10 William Street. The… Read more »
Lightning arresters installed to protect power lines, plant
BERLIN– If, as is the common saying, that lightning never strikes in the same place twice, then Berlin would have no worries. Bolts from above have already zapped the town’s electricity generating facility, so all should be well. Problem is, lightning has zapped the town’s electrical system numerous times over the years and the town… Read more »
Showell school cost causes head-shaking
SHOWELL– The nearly $50 million price tag of a new school became an election issue when several acting and prospective Worcester County Commissioners questioned the cost during a candidate forum on Sept. 17. The 100,000 square-foot Showell Elementary replacement school, currently in the early stages of planning, boasts an estimated total cost of $48.9 million,… Read more »
Flower Street gets attention to its stormwater problems
BERLIN– As long-promised stormwater improvements come closer to fruition, town officials are promising not to leave out residents in high-risk areas where they are losing property to flooding and erosion. Several homes on Flower Street, specifically the area near Showell Street, have a gaping ditch running through their backyards. During a series of meetings last… Read more »
Hospitals, association offer community health fair Sat.
BERLIN–Atlantic General Hospital and Peninsula Regional Medical Center are collaborating with the Ocean Pines Association and its Communications Advisory Committee to offer a free health fair to the community. The event will be held Saturday, Oct. 4, from 8 a.m. to noon, in the Ocean Pines Community Center at 235 Ocean Parkway. Atlantic General Hospital… Read more »
Water division sets schedule for flushing lines in October
OCEAN PINES–The Water and Wastewater Division of Worcester County Public Works will begin its semi-annual program for flushing waterlines in Ocean Pines, River Run, Pennington Commons and other areas of the county during October. The purpose of this program is to remove any accumulated sediment from the lines and to ensure the hydrants are operational…. Read more »
AGH gives anti-flu advice and sets flu clinics
BERLIN–Frequent hand washing and avoiding close contact with those who are sick certainly helps, but according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the best way to prevent the flu is getting a flu vaccine each year. As a service to our community’s health, Atlantic General Hospital/Health System is again providing flu shot clinics… Read more »
Chesapeake Celtic Festival taking place at Furnace Town
SNOW HILL–The 25th Chesapeake Celtic Festival will take place, Oct. 4-5, at Furnace Town Living Heritage Village. Tucked away in the ancient and vast Pocomoke forest, Furnace Town is sealed away from time beneath the great trees. Like the legendary Brigadoon, the Living Heritage Village emerges from the mist as an old Gaelic settlement when… Read more »
Annual Christmas parade in Berlin scheduled for Dec. 4
BERLIN–Berlin’s 44th annual Christmas parade will be held on Thursday, Dec. 4, at 7 p.m. The parade officially kicks off numerous Christmas events scheduled for December in Berlin. This year’s parade theme is “Berlin’s Coolest Small Town Christmas.” The parade rain date is Dec. 11. The parade is sponsored by the Berlin Main Street… Read more »
Horses used to help children dealing with loss
SALISBURY–Coastal Hospice will provide a supportive program called “Hope and Healing with Horses,” for children ages 6 to 14 who have experienced the death of a parent, grandparent, sibling or loved one. The event will be held on Saturday, Oct. 4 from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Kindred Spirit Farm, 3191 Johnson Road… Read more »