By Remy Andersen, Staff Writer (Sept. 14, 2023) Multiple provisions related to cannabis consumption can advance, following three separate unanimous votes from the Worcester County Commissioners last week. The votes included one for zoning, one for distancing, and one for on-site consumption. Jennifer Keener, the county’s director of Developmental Review and Permitting, presented the proposed cannabis… Read more »
Hail Mary Pass on Heron Park Fails
Knerr said to agree on deal but then moved to scuttle it By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (Sept. 14, 2023) There was a glimmer of hope that the Heron Park development proposal by Palmer Gillis of Coastal Ventures Properties (CVP) might still be possible, but that hope died Monday night when Councilman Jay Knerr demanded Gillis… Read more »
Berlin council considers four motions at Monday meeting
By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (Sept. 14, 2023) The Berlin Council agreed to enact a policy for naming and renaming public facilities such as structures, parks and recreational facilities Monday night. The motion to establish the policy, one of four to come before the council, called for gathering ideas and encouraging community participation in the… Read more »
Parks Commission prioritizes recreational needs in Berlin
By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (Sept.14, 2023) The Berlin Parks Commission reviewed its Open Space project priority list for next year on Tuesday and discussed the playgrounds at Dr. William Henry and Stephen Decatur parks. Kate Daub, the administrative assistant for the town of Berlin, told the commission that the purchase of defibrillators for the parks… Read more »
Ocean City honors those who lost their lives in 911 attack
Beams of light and Parade of Brothers honor 911 loses By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (Sept.7, 2023) Ocean City will host a series of events to pay tribute to those who lost their lives during the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, when Middle Eastern suicide pilots crashed aircraft in New York, Washington, D.C. and… Read more »
Town to demo Tyson plant itself
Officials wonder how much can be done with $500K and where to begin work By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (Sept. 7, 2023) The town of Berlin is proceeding with plans to demolish all or part of the Tyson poultry plant building on Old Ocean City Boulevard after a vote by the council on Monday, Aug…. Read more »
Patti Stevens appointed to transportation commission
By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (Sept. 7. 2023) If it has to do with biking or walking on the lower Eastern Shore, most likely Ocean Pines resident Patti Stevens has something to do with it. So, it’s no wonder that State Sen. Mary Beth Carozza (R-38), Del. Wayne Hartman (R-38C) and Mayor Zack Tyndall recommended… Read more »
Council majority rejects Gillis purchase
Opts to proceed separately with demolition of former poultry plant buildings By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (Aug 31, 2023) The verdict is in on the short-term future of Heron Park, or at least parcel 57, where the old Tyson’s building still stands. The town council on Monday voted three to two to walk away from a… Read more »
General Manager John Viola highlights successes during OPA annual meeting
By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (Aug. 31, 2023) Ocean Pines Association General Manager John Viola took residents back five years in his state of the association report at Saturday’s annual meeting. Those were the days, he told the audience, that the association had an operating deficit of approximately $1.6 million, maintenance on bulkheads, drainage and… Read more »
Audit shows Pines beats budget again
By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer Year ends with association $1M ahead of projections (Aug. 31, 2023) As predicted, the Ocean Pines Association had another good year financially, with more than $1 million in excess revenue, according to the audit conducted by the Salisbury branch of UHY Advisors “I’m pleased to report that the association received… Read more »