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Berlin goes out on a limb to remove precarious tree

BERLIN– Three months after the Mayor and Council debated a precariously perched tree, the offending evergreen finally came down. Electric Department crews cut down and hauled away the tree, which threatened power lines at the corner of Main and Tripoli streets, on Thursday, July 31. Several councilmembers and Electric Utility Director Tim Lawrence had expressed… Read more »

All-Star baseball team energized by community’s support

BERLIN– Town support swelled this week as the Intermediate All Stars traveled to Livermore, Ca. to take part in their first Little League World Series. The team won the East Regional Tournament last Friday, beating Commack, N.Y. 13-6. Thirteen players, Kevon Wharton, Hayden Snelsire, Ryan Duncan, Tristan McDonough, Billy Wheatley, Wes Powell, Matt Kinsey, Jack… Read more »

Great Pocomoke Fair offers visitors ‘taste of rural life’

POCOMOKE—The Great Pocomoke Fair returns today with harness racing, livestock exhibits, tractor pulls and classic Eastern Shore fare at the southern end of Worcester County. Festivities kick off at 5 p.m. at the festival grounds at 2003 Broad Street in Pocomoke City and continue through Saturday, drawing visitors by the thousands, said Festival Treasurer Gloria… Read more »

Berlin Town Council addresses recent alarm malfunction

BERLIN– The town addressed a recent rogue fire siren during a Mayor and Council meeting on Monday, July 28. The siren, located near Town Hall, malfunctioned and stayed on for nearly a half hour on the morning of July 4, frightening guests at nearby hotels and inns and causing a nuisance to town businesses. Berlin… Read more »

National Night Out returns as method to combat crime

BERLIN– For more than a decade, the town has come together on the first Tuesday in August to celebrate the community and help prevent crime. National Night Out returns to Dr. William Henry Park on Flower Street on Aug. 5 from 4-7 p.m. “We’ll have crime-prevention activities, a lot of things for the kids to… Read more »

Music and extra shopping part of SH First Friday

SNOW HILL–As Snow Hill celebrates Arts on the River First Friday on Aug.1, the town will be preparing for its signature event, Blessing of the Combines, the next day. Light posts will be covered with corn stalks, flowers and ribbons in anticipation of the big event. The Mood Swings, Mike Armstrong and Lauren Glick, will… Read more »

Sixth annual Peach Festival returns to Berlin, Saturday

BERLIN– The 6th annual Peach Festival, the town’s signature sweet and savory celebration, returns on Saturday, Aug. 2. Hosted by the Calvin B. Taylor House Museum, the event features food, craft vendors, entertainment, children’s activities and displays of historic Berlin.  “It kind of took off the first year and it’s grown each year,” said museum… Read more »

Good Farm offers free vegs. in return for volunteer labor

BERLIN – The Good Farm is again offering free vegetables in exchange for volunteer labor. Located at Mariner’s Country Down on Sinepuxent Road off Route 611, the Good Farm grows a wide variety of fruits and vegetables without the use of artificial chemicals, fertilizers or pesticides and maintains a small flock of chickens, whose eggs… Read more »

Community Briefs

Golf tournament Ocean Pines Members Golf Council and Taylor Bank will be partnering for the 30th annual Taylor Bank Tournament.  This event will be held at Ocean Pines Golf and Country Club on July 16, at 9 a.m. This tournament is the major fundraiser for the Council’s Scholarship Fund. For information, call Ron Rider at… Read more »

Jesse’s Paddle event to support suicide prevention mission

SNOW HILL – For the sixth year, several dozen paddlers will set out from the Pocomoke River Canoe Company to support the scholarship and suicide prevention missions of the Jesse Klump Memorial Fund. Jesse’s Paddle will take place on Saturday, July 19, with registration opening at 4 p.m. The event is at the Pocomoke River… Read more »