BERLIN– “Cool” Berlin showed off its impressive range during a pair of events held on Saturday, May 17. The town hosted the annual Spring Cruisers car show during the day, followed by a ‘Punk Rock Prom’ benefit Saturday evening. Between 130 and 150 cars participated in Cruisers, from a 1940 Ford Belair to a 1976… Read more »
Berlin seeks citizens’ support for storm water project
BERLIN–For the second time, the Town of Berlin plans to seek grant funding for the Hudson Branch Storm water Project through the Department of Housing and Community Development Community Development Block Grant program. Berlin applied for these funds in 2013, but was not successful. The Hudson Branch Storm water Project includes improvements to culverts and… Read more »
State proclaims Snow Hill’s wastewater plant year’s best
SNOW HILL–Maryland Rural Water Association and the state have named the Snow Hill Wastewater Treatment Plant: Wastewater System of the Year. The plant now has a capacity of 0.5 million gallons per day, and is considered to be among the 66 “major” treatment plants in the state, as identified by the Maryland Department of the… Read more »
OP Yacht Club expected to open doors Friday to public
OCEAN PINES–Entertainment is booked for this weekend at the new Ocean Pines Yacht, so its doors are expected to open Friday for the first time to the general public. “We are about to open the doors to a facility the entire community can be proud to show off not only today but for many years… Read more »
OP public Library to offer gardening clinic on Tuesdays
OCEAN PINES–Starting the first Tuesday in May and running through the last Tuesday in September, the University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Service is offering, “Ask a Master Gardener,” at the Ocean Pines Library, 11107 Cathell Road, Ocean Pines. The clinic is free and will be held every Tuesday afternoon from 1-4 p.m. Master gardeners… Read more »
Raffle winners love house, but not so much its costs
OCEAN PINES–Lanny and Kay Hickman, winners of last year’s house raffle by the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department, don’t want to seem ungrateful, but there have been a few problems with their prize. “I love the house,” Kay Hickman said last week. “But we’ve had to do a number of things.” The Hickmans held the… Read more »
Democratic candidates discuss issues at community forum
BERLIN – Democratic candidates for Maryland House of Delegates and Attorney General participated in a forum at the Germantown School on Wednesday, May 14. The two-hour forum was hosted by the Democratic Central Committee Worcester County. District 38C candidates Judy Davis and Mike Hindi and District 38A candidate Percy Purnell were on hand. Attorney General… Read more »
Trail connecting Berlin, Assateague moving forward
BERLIN– A planned trail way connecting the town to the Assateague Island National Seashore could be moving closer to reality. The Lower Shore Land Trust is applying for a portion of the $900,000 in grant money being made available by the State of Maryland as part of the Federal Lands Access Program. LSLT executive… Read more »
Inclined tree sparks concern of possible power outages
BERLIN– An inclined tree that appears to threaten town power lines became a hot topic of conversation during a recent council meeting. The now infamous tree, housed on the property of 101 S. Main Street, was first mentioned by councilmember Paula Lynch during a discussion about adding in-line disconnects to town power lines. “I brought… Read more »
Berlin takes look at utilities fund budget for fiscal year
BERLIN– The town’s utilities fund budget for fiscal year 2014 was discussed for the second time during a council meeting on Monday, May 5. The utilities budget was also debated briefly during a general fund budget work session on April 21. Public Works Director Jane Kreiter led the discussion on the water, wastewater and storm… Read more »