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Commissioners may tap reserves

SNOW HILL — Worcester County has run dangerously low on cash and could have to borrow from its reserves, Worcester County Finance Officer Harold Higgins told the county commissioners Tuesday. He said circumstances beyond the administration’s control had caused the situation, but that the county is generally low on cash at this time of the… Read more »

Local eating is healthier

BERLIN — Word hasn’t quite gotten out yet about the new farmers’ market near Atlantic General Hospital so the small group there spent a relatively slow July 4 afternoon fending off a combination of heat and boredom. The new market was initiated by Crystal Mumford, an AGH employee health assistant who is on the hospital’s… Read more »

Gentlemen, start your engines

BERLIN — The end of an era. A former champion’s return. Redemption from a disastrous loss. These are only a few of the oddly compelling story lines surrounding next weekend’s Bathtub Races on Main Street.  Jesse Turner, owner of the Berlin Shoe Box, has run a tub in each of the last 16 races but… Read more »

Bronze Star Winner returns home

OCEAN CITY — Sitting in the living room of the condominium he’s called home since moving permanently to town with his mother in 2005, Bronze Star winner Ryan Daniel appears at ease, but according to the citation provided by his superior officers, Daniel’s value as a leader is that he is similarly at ease sitting… Read more »

Berlin storm water management plan to be state-funded

BERLIN — As rain battered the outside the Town Hall building and many areas of the town were already well underwater, the Town Council accepted an offer from JoAnne Throwe of the Environmental Finance Center, a University of Maryland-based program that helps communities identify ways to deal with stormwater issues.  Throwe convinced town officials to… Read more »

Electric rates may drop for small businesses

BERLIN — On the heels of successful power supply contract negotiations, Dwight Davis, engineer for the town electrical consultants, Booth and Associates, on Monday presented the council with the option of taking the next step in producing a more equitable electric bill for small businesses. “One of the objectives we’ve had from early on is… Read more »

County hears proposal to harvest wind at the landfill

SNOW HILL — Over the next year, National Wind will conduct a study to see if Worcester County can combine two of the area’s more prevalent NIMBY (not-in-my-backyard) projects — wind power and the county landfill — into one. Patrick Pelstring, co-chair of National Wind, on Tuesday presented the commissioners with a proposal to begin… Read more »

Maryland Costal Bays Program sees downward trend

OCEAN CITY – Although there was plenty to celebrate at last week’s 15th Anniversary party for the Maryland Costal Bays Program (MCBP), the health of the coastal bays wasn’t one of them. The annual MCBP Bays Report Card scored the bays’ overall grade this year a C, down from a C+ in 2009.  “We are… Read more »

Board candidates face off

OCEAN PINES — The newest crop of would-be OPA directors made their cases for election this week as they prepare for for a month of campaigning for a three-year term on the association board. The forum began with the candidates responding to questions composed by the elections committee. The first question addressed to each involved… Read more »

No solution on Solid Waste Enterprise Fund Shortfall

SNOW HILL — While there is no question that the current situation at transfer stations around the county are logistically and economically untenable, the Worcester County Commissioners on Tuesday elected to put the problem on the back burner and take it up again in the fall. During the budget hearings over the last several months,… Read more »