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Comptroller Franchot presses for later start of Md. School Year

OCEAN CITY– Citing the benefits to Maryland families, small businesses and tourism overall, Comptroller Peter Franchot reiterated his desire for all state public schools to start classes after Labor Day. He released the economic impact report completed by the Bureau of Revenue Estimates regarding that issue last Wednesday. Alongside Ocean City Mayor Richard Meehan, Sen…. Read more »

Public Landing Pier reopens after 10-month closure

WORCESTER COUNTY–The Public Landing Pier reopened to the public last week, after a 10-month closure. The pier was severely damaged during Hurricane Sandy in late October 2012. Rehak’s Contracting, LLC of Baltimore, repaired the pier at a total cost of $198,226.96, with Federal Emergency Management Agency funding of $44,395 and insurance settlement funds of $130,861.57… Read more »

Delmarva Power warns customers of 'Green Dot' scam

SALISBURY – Delmarva Power reminds home and business owners to practice safety when someone claiming to represent a business contacts them either in person or by telephone. Recently, Delmarva has been alerted to a “Green Dot” scam. As such, information from law enforcement officials and other utilities has indicated that “scammers” are now targeting commercial… Read more »

Projects will soon get funding through Program Open Space

ANNAPOLIS – Recreational projects in Allegany, Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Frederick, Garrett, Prince George’s, Somerset and Worcester counties will soon receive funding for upgrades and additions through Program Open Space. Gov. Martin O’Malley and the Board of Public Works approved the projects at today’s meeting in Annapolis. Among the funding measures approved was a grant of… Read more »

McDermott preparing to annouce senate candidacy

MARYLAND—Del. Michael McDermott (38B-R) has not announced it yet, but the Bayside Gazette has confirmed that he is preparing to announce after Labor Day his plans to run for the state senate, in a challenge to incumbent Sen. Jim Mathias (38-D). McDermott has been a member of the Maryland House of Delegates since January 2011…. Read more »

Collins, Cordwell, Terry win director spots on OPA board

OCEAN PINES— The Ocean Pines Elections Advisory Committee reported the results of the 2013 elections to fill three seats with three-year terms on the Board of Directors during the annual homeowners association’s membership meeting Aug. 10. Two newcomers, John “Jack” Collins and William “Bill” Cordell, and one incumbent, Thomas “Tom” Terry, won the most votes,… Read more »

Berlin Town Council approves requests for road closures, grant requests

BERLIN—The mayor and town council unanimously approved two requests for road closures for special events and two requests to seek state grant funding for building and facility projects during an Aug. 12 meeting. Economic and Development Director Michael Day presented a proposal for street closures behind Town Hall along Pitts Street, from Main Street to… Read more »

Ranck appointed deputy director of Worcester County Library

WORCESTER COUNTY- The Worcester County Library Trustees announce the appointment of Jennifer Ranck as deputy director of the Worcester County Library. Ranck is the first person to serve in this position, and she will also act as the Ocean City Branch library manager. “We are fortunate to have Jennifer take this important administrative position,” Library… Read more »

Berlin Police Department to offer emergency care training

BERLIN—Town officials are wasting little time putting a newly acquired resource to good use in a Berlin police officer, who earned certification to instruct both first responders and the public on certain types of emergency medical care on July 17. Pfc. Jessica Collins is certified to instruct law enforcement officers on how to render care… Read more »

Pines Recreation Department presents kite event

OCEAN PINES—The skies above the Worcester County Veteran’s Memorial Park on Route 589 will be festooned with kites on Saturday, provided the wind cooperates. For the second year, the Ocean Pines Recreational Department will host a kite-flying event in the clearing in front of the Sports Core and the South Gate. Renamed Family Fun Fly… Read more »