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Todd wins Berlin Award

BERLIN — Joel Todd, this year’s Berlin Award Winner, started choking up a little when he realized the party was for him. Unlike most Citizen of the Year awards, the Berlin Award is run something like a surprise party. The person to be honored never knows the party is for them until part way through… Read more »

Little Dresses for Africa

BERLIN — What was originally a fun Girl Scout project has become something of a mission for local amateur tailors who have come upon a fascinating recycling program of sorts with international implications. More than a dozen women have been coming together recently to convert pillow cases into dresses to be sent to clothe children… Read more »

OP Youth Theater takes the show on the road

OCEAN PINES — One of the major strengths of the Ocean Pines Players Youth Theater is that the group has been around for long enough that, even though the kids continue to grow and leave, there is a core group of volunteer adults that have plenty of practice working with children. So when the troop… Read more »

Solar could come to Berlin

BERLIN — Less than six months ago, the Maryland State Legislature enacted a bill calling for the state to have at least 20 percent of its power generated by renewable energy in the next 10 years. Next week, Berlin will be on the road to participating in providing some of that renewable energy as LS… Read more »

Harris comes to Berlin

 BERLIN — The campaign season got under way this weekend as Rep. Andy Harris stopped by the Berlin Coffee House for a meet-and-greet with about 50 constituents. As Harris moved around the room, people talked politics among themselves and prepared questions. The recent redistricting in Maryland, he said, would likely benefit him in his re-election… Read more »

Operation Medicine Drop

BERLIN — While the unfavorable weather threatened to be an issue, the rain and wind had little affect on Operation Medicine Drop, the Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) prescription drug take-back program. The collection was the second effort this year. The previous Operation Medicine Drop, held in April, resulted in more than 130 pounds of prescription… Read more »

Photo Contest Winners Announced

BERLIN — There were only four entries files with only days to go in the stormwater photo contest, but given that the contest was about flooding, it should have come as no surprise than 20 more entries came in at the last minute to round out the field to an even two dozen submissions for… Read more »

Golf Course Could Cost $1.7 Million

OCEAN PINES — If the Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors is willing to spend another $1.7 million on the golf course over the next year, General Manager Bob Thompson has a suggestion that would have club members finance the bulk of it. This summer, as it became clear the golf course’s condition was making… Read more »

Boarded Windows Still an Issue in Berlin

 BERLIN — Even though they have not officially passed, the new rules aimed at getting property owners to take care of their boarded-up properties is already having an affect. For the first time since discussion of the regulations began, a person directly affected by the legislation raised objections during this week’s public hearing on the… Read more »

'Outside the Box' Opens Friday

BERLIN — The color of the light is something that is easy to take for granted. A person might look at a brown chair, say, without really stopping to recognize that there isn’t anything inherently brown about it. It reflects the part of the light spectrum that makes up the color brown but in the… Read more »