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Cedar Chapel fundraiser to feature riding ‘Jetovator’

(June 25, 2015) Local notables will try their luck against the “Jetovator,” a cross between Marty McFly’s hoverboard and a jet ski, in order to raise money for the Cedar Chapel Special School in Snow Hill, the only school in Worcester serving children ages 3-21 with significant disabilities.
Worcester County Tourism Director Lisa Challenger will join pro bodyboarder/promoter Brian Stoehr and Town of Berlin Councilman Troy Purnell, among others, in riding the Jetovator, Ann Hillyer, event organizer, said.
“I love Cedar Chapel — it’s a great, great school, so that’s why I said yes,” Worcester County Tourism Director Lisa Challenger said. “I’m not big into water sports, so this should be hysterical.”
The event is scheduled for Monday, July 13, but the time has yet to be announced because the event is weather-dependent. Interested parties can throw their hat in the ring to try to win bragging rights by raising funds for the school and surviving the longest on the Jetovator, Hillyer said.
“This is right up my ally in terms of activity and in the cause. I rode the hoverboard before and it’s really, really cool. It looks a lot harder than it is and I love the idea of helping wherever I am and in whatever I can do,” Stoehr said.
Space for competitors, Hillyer said, is limited and those choosing to tackle the Jetovator are eligible for prizes. No deadline for entries has been set, but a first-come first-served basis is likely.
“I’ve never done it before, but it’s one of the best causes out there and I love water sports, so I’m willing to learn,” Purnell said.
Footage shot during the event will be shown during a “Jet Powered Fundraiser Party” at local brewer, Ocean City Brewing Company on 55th Street, Monday, July 20.
The money, Hillyer said, will go toward transforming a courtyard into instructional space at the school. The goal is to raise $2,500.
“We’re really excited to give people a great opportunity to learn about our school. We’ve contracted with a playground equipment company to help transform the courtyard with flooring, shade and a swing so our students can get their energy out and return to class,” Cedar Chapel Special School Principal Belinda Gulyas said.
Cedar Chapel served 53 students this year.
For more information or to donate, visit cedarchapeljetpowered.