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Cell tower to be constructed south of Berlin mid-May

By Elizabeth Bonin, Staff Writer

Service will improve area along Route 113 to Newark

(March 19, 2020) The southern Berlin area should see improved cell service, as plans for a 195-foot-tall cell tower were reviewed by the Worcester County Technical Review Committee during its meeting last Wednesday. The tower, to be constructed by Calvert Crossland and Verizon Wireless, will be located on privately owned land on the south side of Ironshire Station Road and 439 feet west of Downs Road.

In post-meeting comments, Barb Pivec, owner of Calvert Crossland, said the tower will help the network between Berlin and Newark along Route 113. She hopes the tower will be shipped between May 5-10 and built that same day.

“We build a site in May, then it’s probably another four or five months until the antennas are put on and the site is operable,” Pivec said.

The project’s next steps are to receive approval of its stormwater management plan, obtain the building permit and the electrical permit. The Worcester County Board of Zoning Appeals granted approval for the tower on Jan. 9, according to Pivec.

She said she’s been working on this project since 2013.

“It’s very difficult to build towers in Worcester County and we’re very happy we were able to find a location that met the objectives and goals of the wireless carriers that was acceptable to the community,” Pivec said.

She added that the tower’s infrastructure will be available to other carriers and broadband providers.

A webpage will be available for the tower at within the next month.