Survey reveals options for ‘Berlin Falls Park,’ members to make recommendations

Some in Berlin have suggested naming the passive-use portion of what is now called Berlin Falls park after the late Mary Humphreys, a noted botany professor and originator of the Humphreys Foundation that supports many area nonprofits
By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer
(June 27, 2019) Odds are the informal name, Berlin Falls Park, will be formally named Heron Park if the mayor and Town Council accept the recommendation of the Berlin Falls Park Advisory Committee.
After reviewing the results of a community survey, the committee agreed last Thursday to recommend Heron Park as the new name for the property of Old Ocean City Boulevard.
The survey, which was conducted through June 13, was accessible digitally through a quick response code and via paper copies at several area locations downtown.
Survey-takers were asked a series of questions, including whether they were residents of Berlin. They were also asked to select one of several possible names: Berlin Falls Park, Legacy Park, Adventure Park, Heron Park, Pride Park, Boulevard Park and Berlin Nature Preserve. Also an option was “ I prefer a different name.”
Of the 102 participants, 20 people chose Heron Park, making that suggestion the front-runner, the committee reported. Berlin Falls Park came in second with nine votes, and there was a three-way tie for third with three votes each between Adventure, Boulevard and Pride parks.
Sixty-one respondents offered their own names, including Berlin Nature Park or Berlin Ponds. Critics of the park, on the other hand, suggested appelations such as “For sale” and “Higher Taxes for a property we can’t afford park.”
With the majority of the respondents going for Heron Park, however, the committee elected to go with it.
“It’s got a ring to it,” committee member and Town Councilman Zack Tyndall said.
Tyndall also asked that the committee’s report to the council include all the results of the survey, rather than just the preferred Heron Park.
The agenda item will be discussed at mayor and council meeting on July 8.