By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer

Construction of Showell Elementary replacement school on Showell School Road in Berlin is substantially complete and will be ready for teachers to return on Aug. 31.
(Aug. 27, 2020) Worcester County Public Schools Facilities Planner Joe Price provided a monthly update on the Showell Elementary replacement school project for the board of education on Aug. 18.
“In the past month, we’ve completed ceramic tile, finished painting, insulation and testing and balancing mechanical systems,” Price said.
The installation of window blinds as well as flooring were completed last week.
Final cleaning is also underway throughout the building.
A picture from Aug. 6 showed that the age 2-5 playground equipment has been installed.
As demonstrated by the site plan, work is being done on the curb and gutter. Also, the road and parking lot are being paved.
Price said the base course paving on the staff parking lot is complete and all parking lots will be ready by Aug. 31.
He added that base course and surface course paving for the bus loop is scheduled to begin on Monday.
“Once that is complete, teachers and staff will park in the bus loop while the staff parking lot receives the surface course paving and striping,” said Carrie Sterrs, coordinator of public relations and special programs for Worcester County Public Schools.
Final grading, signage and site lighting are to be completed for both areas as well.
When Showell Elementary school teachers return to the facility on Monday for professional learning and in-service activities, contractors will be restricted access to the building.
“We’re allowing no contractors in the building until after 3:30 [p.m.] or on weekends,” Price said.
The replacement school is expected to be complete this fall.
Payments up to Aug. 18 totaled $34,054,525.24. The remaining project balance is $5,590,713.99.
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