By Elizabeth Bonin, Staff Writer
(Feb. 27, 2020) To bring digital tools to the classroom up to date, the Worcester County Commissioners on last Tuesday approved additional funds for a digital device lease agreement between Worcester County Public Schools and Apple.

Lou Taylor
The commissioners approved $150,000 for FY21 and $375,000 for FY22-FY24 for the purchase and implementation of iPads and Apple TVs for all schools, except for Showell Elementary, which already has computer technology included in its capital budget.
Though the final quoted price was about $20,000 less than what was requested, Worcester County Public Schools Superintendent Lou Taylor said the higher amount would give them more room for unforeseen issues.
In 2014, the school system set a goal to reach a 1:1 technology-to-student ratio. In spring 2019, Worcester was notified that the Chrome Books used for state assessments would no longer be supported.
“We are at a critical point in our school system’s digital conversion, with the majority of our devices aging out within the next year,” Taylor said.
In response, the school system formed a technology task force, whose members visited Microsoft and Apple offices and had vendors conduct demostrations to determine the best products.
That exercise produced two recommendations – to shift how teachers deliver instruction from stationary to mobile technology and to use Apple products across the school system.
“We feel we have crafted a sustainable, long-term plan for technology in Worcester County that will not only address this looming problem, but provide a transformative solution that will enhance, and this is the key here, that will enhance student learning for years to come,” Taylor said.
The multi-year agreement details a one-time setup, deployment costs and training. This is the first time Apple has contracted a zero interest, four-month cycle lease with a school system, according to Taylor.
He noted that the commissioners already fund digital technology for the schools at $500,000 and that the first year will be included in the board of education’s maintenance of effort budget.
Carrie Steers, coordinator of public relations and special programs for Worcester County Public Schools, said that the $1 per iPad buyback is already included in the price point. When asked by County Commissioner Joshua Nordstrom, Taylor also clarified that they can sell the devices back to Apple for $100.
The lease does not require any payment before July 1, 2020.
During the board of education meeting following commissioner’s, Taylor said it was a historic day for the school system.
“We’re making these pioneering efforts because we all recognize the importance of providing our students with the best resources to support their success within the classroom and even beyond,” Taylor said. “I want to personally thank this board of education and I want to publicly thank our county commissioners for being forward thinking partners as we create learning environments not only supported by, but enhanced by, in my opinion, some of the most exciting technology I’ve ever seen.”ols,