Berlin Mayor Gee Williams and council members permitted Worcester County Recreation and Parks to use the tennis courts at Stephen Decatur Park for an adult drop-in tennis program following a unanimous vote during Monday night’s meeting.
By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer
(Sept. 12, 2019) Worcester County Recreation and Parks will be permitted to use the tennis courts at Stephen Decatur Park following unanimous approval from the Berlin Town Council Monday.
Program Manager Myro Small of the county recreation department told the mayor and council that a clinic will be offered to acquaint players with certain tennis strokes. Fellow Recreation Manager Kelly Buchanan said Bruzz Truitt, head tennis professional at the Ocean City Tennis Center, will teach the clinic.
People ages 14 years and older are eligible for the clinic. Small said six residents from Decatur Farms, a community in Berlin, participated during the clinics last spring.
Councilman Dean Burrell suggested that residents living across Route 113 should have help to cross the highway safely.
Councilman Zack Tyndall agreed and asked if it would be possible to communicate with the Berlin Police Department.
Small said that he’d “look into it,” and would offer an additional teen tennis group if participation levels warrant it.
The adult drop-in tennis program will run on Tuesdays from Sept. 24 to Oct. 15. Admission will be $3 per session.
For more information about the adult drop-in tennis program, contact Small at 410-632-2144 ext. 2532 or visit worcesterrecandparks.org.
Councilman Troy Purnell was absent from Monday’s meeting.