The Teal Bay Mitzvah Team continues to pay it forward as the Ocean Pines’ good-deed group collects personal hygiene products for individuals experiencing homelessness and financial insecurity.

Members of the Ocean Pines Teal Bay Mitzvah Team pose with personal hygiene products they collected for local homeless people through their organization.
Photo courtesy Margit Novack
By Tara Fischer, Staff Writer
The Teal Bay Mitzvah Team continues to pay it forward as the Ocean Pines’ good-deed group collects personal hygiene products for individuals experiencing homelessness and financial insecurity.
For the seven do-gooders, a friendship started by the common thread of dog ownership spurred into an organization that dedicates its’ time to giving back to Worcester and surrounding communities.
As part of their current project, the team has partnered with Diakonia, Worcester GOLD, Hope and Life Outreach from Salisbury, and the Samaritan Shelter in Pocomoke. Teal Bay Mitzvah will collect and donate the items directly to the associations.
The idea was inspired by member Margit Novack’s volunteer shift at the Diakonia thrift store. After speaking with staff, they identified a need for personal hygiene products, specifically shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, and toothpaste.
“The list kept getting longer,” Teal Bay Mitzvah Team member Cyndy Spicknall said. “We thought about toothbrushes and then toothbrush caps. We added razors and then needed to include shaving cream. We’ve also asked for sewing kits and nail care.”
According to Novack and Spicknall, 60 miniature toothpastes have been donated. The group has also ordered items from various hotels in the area. The duo emphasized a need for large quantities of each product.
“It’s not sexy, but hygiene items are necessary,” Spicknall said.
The Teal Bay Mitzvah Team has been helping the community since 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic. Since its creation, the crew has headed several charity campaigns, including their 2021 Soles for Souls initiative, where they provided shoes for women entrepreneurs in third-world countries, explained Novack.
The team has also partnered with humane societies, hosted a sock drive, and worked with Worcester Preparatory School’s Student Government Association to collect winter clothing items. This month, the group sponsored a social creativity afternoon for Valentine’s Day at the Berlin Nursing Home.
“We find what the local need is,” Novack said. “And then there’s a lot of research, and then we publicize it.”
Teal Bay Mitzvah will continue to collect hygiene donations for as long as they keep coming. They can be dropped off at 2 Riverside Court in Ocean Pines or ordered online and mailed to the address. Personal and full-sized items will be accepted.