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DP offers rebate on appliances

Delmarva Power is encouraging its Maryland residential customers to take advantage of its Appliance Rebate Program during the state’s tax-free weekend, Feb.13-15.
During this period, customers will not have to pay the state’s 6 percent sales tax when they purchase select Energy Star certified products such as standard size refrigerators, clothes washers and dryers, heat pumps and compact fluorescent light and LED bulbs.
“This is a great opportunity for customers to combine Delmarva Power’s rebates with the Shop Maryland Energy tax savings this weekend, and also take advantage of various retailers’ Presidents’ Day sales,” said John Allen, Delmarva Power region vice president. “Delmarva Power is proud to offer rebates on energy efficient appliances to help our customers save energy in their homes.”
Delmarva Power paid more than 900 rebates to Maryland customers in 2015 for the purchase of energy efficient appliances and has paid approximately 15,600 rebates since the program began in 2009. The value of the rebates ranges from $50 to $500.
Rebate forms are available in stores and at Forms can be submitted either online or by mail. Customers can expect to receive rebate checks within six to eight weeks from the time of Delmarva Power’s receipt of their rebate applications.
The Appliance Rebate Program is part of Delmarva Power’s portfolio of energy efficiency programs that are designed to support the EmPOWER Maryland initiative to reduce energy consumption in the state.
Find additional information and updates about Delmarva Power’s energy efficiency programs by visiting, on Facebook at, on Twitter at or by calling 1-866-353-5799. A mobile app is available at