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Drainage pilot project funds pulled from OP FY21 budget

By Greg Ellison

(Feb. 11, 2021) Potential funding of $20,000 for a proposed pilot project to help offset Ocean Pines property owners’ out-of-pocket costs to address their own flooding problems has been removed from the recommended FY21/22 budget.

The association had originally included $20,000 to pay back costs for engineering studies on private lots in the FY21/22 proposed budget but the allotment was deleted following a review by the Budget and Finance Committee last month.

Director of Amenities and Operational Logistics Colby Phillips said General Manager John Viola and Public Works Director Eddie Wells have had discussions with more than a dozen homeowners whose properties flood frequently, sometimes leaving them with standing water for prolonged periods.

In these instances, property owners would have to foot the bill to develop and deploy their own solutions.

The association has sought to assist property owners cover the costs to complete projects to regain regular use of their yards and to reduce flood-related property damage.

In addition to getting help identifying potential grants from Maryland Coastal Bays Program officials, federal and state agencies are also being contacted.