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DWC meets with state Del. Edwards

(Nov. 26, 2015) Congresswoman Donna Edwards (Maryland 4th District), who is running for the 2016 U.S. Senate seat currently held by Senator Barbara Mikulski, was the guest speaker during the Democratic Women’s Club of Worcester County (DWC) Nov. 16 meeting.  
More than 60 members and guests learned more about Rep. Edwards’ commitment to fight for Maryland working families through protecting Social Security and Medicare, protecting the rights of women and making debt-free higher education a reality.  
The meeting had an especially festive atmosphere, as it capped off the club’s two holiday gift drives. DWC members donated 70 throw/lap-size blankets for distribution to the county’s homebound served by the Meals on Wheels program and to patients cared for by Coastal Hospice.  
Members also donated more than 100 toys, games and novelties for children–from toddlers to teenagers–in the lives of women incarcerated at the Worcester county jail. The donations give the incarcerated women a chance to select gifts and wrap them for the children in their lives.  
The Democratic Women’s Club of Worcester County meets monthly (except December, July and August).  Meetings begin with coffee and informal conversation between 9:30-10 a.m., followed by a business session featuring a guest speaker from 10a.m. to noon. Meetings are held at the Assateague Room in the Ocean Pines Community Center.  For information, contact DWC President Judy Butler at 410-600-0468.