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Pines pools reopening expands this Friday

•YC pool

By Greg Ellison (June 11, 2020) Since opening pools at the Ocean Pines Yacht and Beach Clubs on a limited basis last weekend, plans now are to expand the list of aquatics facilities to include the Swim and Racquet Club on Friday, followed by Mumford’s Landing next week. Director of Amenities and Operational Logistics Colby… Read more »

OPA closes fiscal year in black

11 john viola headshot

By Greg Ellison Final months show decline in revenue, but expenses also fall to reduce losses (June 10, 2020) Despite a revenue slump in March and April because of facility closures, OPA General Manager John Viola reported last week the association still closed its fiscal year on April 30 with a positive variance of roughly… Read more »

Pines pool discussions airs subpar financial projections

•beach club pool

By Greg Ellison (June 11, 2020) The possibility of increasing assessment fees to offset expected operational losses, was discussed by the Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors last week, as it also worked out reopening plans for the community’s aquatic facilities. During a virtual board meeting on June 3, the directors reviewed new procedures to… Read more »

OPA Board approves revised lot lease deal with Seacrets

13 Doug Parks

By Greg Ellison (June 11, 2020) The OPA Board of Directors voted 6-0 last Wednesday to approve an annual parking lot lease with Seacrets on 49th Street across from the Beach Club. The lease terms were approved unanimously during the board meeting on June 3, with Director Steve Tuttle not in attendance. OPA President Doug… Read more »

Sirloin cap with potatoes and mushrooms

2 cuisine

By Paul Suplee, MBA, CEC, PC-3 Summertime is here. Ah, the season of so many weddings has seemingly come to a screeching halt, much to the chagrin of brides and grooms the world over. For caterers, weddings are our bread and butter, and as restaurants have felt the striking blow of the pandemic, so will… Read more »

Knerr to run for Berlin office, focusing on long-term plans

•Jay knerr headshot

By Morgan  Pilz, Staff Writer (June 11, 2020) Long-time Berlin resident Jay Knerr, 62, has filed to run for the Councilmember-At-Large seat that will be left open during this year’s election in October. The seat, originally held by Thom Gulyas, will be up for election, as the six-year council member will be moving out of… Read more »

Black Lives Matter march in Berlin

New Flyer for March

This event has been postponed due to inclement weather. A new date and time will be announced. By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer (June 11, 2020) The public is invited to participate in a peaceful family friendly march for the Black Lives Matter movement on Thursday from 5-6 p.m. through Berlin. Marchers will gather in Stephen… Read more »

Crowd limits lead to delay of fireworks

•Ivy wells headshot

By Morgan Pilz, Staff Writer They still could happen, but town celebration canceled (June 11, 2020) Berlin’s celebration scheduled for July 3, has been canceled and the fireworks display will be postponed, the mayor and Town Council decided Monday. Economic and Community Development Coordinator Ivy Wells told the council the town wouldn’t have been able… Read more »

Berlin amends absentee voting to make it easier

Mary Bohlen

By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer (June 11, 2020) Mayor Gee Williams and the Town Council amended the ordinance for absentee voting in Berlin on Monday, to allow for voters who may be reluctant to venture out in public because of the still-present coronavirus. Previously, absentee voting was permitted for “any qualified voter who may be… Read more »

The Globe outdoor seating, sign approved

The Globe

By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer Bryan, Nicole Brushmiller complete final stages of renovations for restaurant (June 11, 2020) Like many restaurants that had only indoor dining before the pandemic, The Globe on Broad Street has now designated a space to serve customers outdoors. The Globe owners Bryan and Nicole Brushmiller hope to reopen the venue… Read more »