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Historic District approves new signs for Toy Town, Dusty Lamb


By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (April 11, 2019) The Berlin Historic District Commission made short work of two sign requests for recently opened businesses last Wednesday. First up was the new location for Toy Town Antiques, a business familiar to many in Berlin. Toy Town had been based on Berlin’s Main Street and then in 2016… Read more »

‘We are saying, we do not approve’


Tax objections continue at Town Council mtg. By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (April 11, 2019) For the last several months, Berlin officials have fought criticism of proposed tax and fee increases by advancing the notion they didn’t know public opposition was so strong because so few people attended council meetings. On Monday night, the latest in a… Read more »

Pines to build new golf club, cart barn, expand PD station


By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (April 11, 2019) The Ocean Pines Board of Directors on Saturday approved spending $3.185 million for three major projects: expanding the police and administration building, rebuilding the country club, and building a new golf cart barn. Discussions on each of the projects had dragged on for several years. Reports of mold… Read more »

Phillips named operations director


By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (April 11, 2019) Colby Phillips has been named the new director of operations for the Ocean Pines Association. The position was created at the Saturday board meeting and on Monday Phillips was appointed to the role by interim General Manager John Viola. According to a motion by Association President Doug Parks,… Read more »

John Viola named interim OP GM


By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (April 4, 2019) The Ocean Pines Board on Saturday voted 4-0 to appoint John Viola as general manager on an unpaid, volunteer basis. Viola has served as chairman of the association’s budget and finance committee for several years. Last June, he was appointed association treasurer, a role he will apparently continue… Read more »

Church hopes new building helps expand congregation

Church photo #5

By Victor Fernandes, Staff Writer (April 4, 2019) Much about Coastal Community Church remains unfamiliar to its congregation, even after waiting a decade for its completion. Some still call the newly opened church on Ocean Gateway in Berlin by its once longtime name, Ocean City Worship Center. Others still head to the old church, a short… Read more »

Town Hall includes update on country club


By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (April 4, 2019) Ocean Pines Board members are still considering what to do about the golf and country club, but indications are the board favors a new building that would support both golf and community events. During a town hall meeting on Saturday, Harry Rutter of Nottingham Lane said amenities are… Read more »

Only March lamb is in this Shepherd’s Pie

2 cuisine

By Paul Suplee “In like a lion, out like a…” Oh, shut up, March and go home. You’re drunk. Usually one to moderately mock people who publicly and regularly bemoan the winter season, I am now ready to raise my pitchfork to Mother Nature and demand summer! Of course, I do remember past springs when… Read more »

Berlin resident to offer parking lot


By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (April 4, 2019) Berlin’s parking problems should improve somewhat, as resident and business owner Tiffany Lackner has pledged to create 50 new public parking spaces on her property that borders West and Broad streets. Finding downtown parking during the busy summer can be difficult, and the Town Council acknowledged as much… Read more »

OPA Board also weighs in on forensic audit


By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (April 4, 2019) There’s no new news yet on a forensic audit started around this time last year in Ocean Pines, although association President Doug Parks said that could soon change. Parks, during a Saturday town hall meeting, said audit results were targeted by the end of this month. He said… Read more »