By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (April 11, 2019) Local builder Marvin Steen on Monday weighed in on what his role would be in advising Ocean Pines on three major upcoming construction projects. The board of directors on Saturday approved spending $3.185 million to expand the police headquarters inside the administration building, rebuild the country club, and… Read more »
What will Ortt Companies do for an encore?
By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (April 11, 2019) A year ago, all eyes were on the Matt Ortt Companies as they prepared to take over operations of the Ocean Pines yacht and beach clubs, which had just finished losing nearly $800,000 in the preceding 12 months. This fiscal year, under Ortt, the facilities project to break… Read more »
Conditional use for industrial district bldg.
Washington Street structure approved for storage units, second-story apartments By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (April 11, 2019) The Berlin Board of Zoning Appeals on Monday approved a conditional-use exception that will allow three new apartments to be built over storage units on 305 Washington Street. According to a conceptual site plan, the 13,512-square-foot building is zoned… Read more »
Trendic golf leasing motion again fails to get second
By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (April 11, 2019) Slobodan Trendic is no Chris Davis, but the Ocean Pines board member has his own kind of cold streak going. Trendic was hammered in November for proposing a motion to lease the association golf course. An extended period of public comment made opposition to the motion apparent, and… Read more »
Wells wants New Year’s Eve back
Midnight ball drop could find support from brewery By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (April 11, 2019) Berlin Economic and Community Development Director Ivy Wells on Monday asked that the midnight New Year’s Eve ball drop be returned to the fiscal 2020 budget. Town officials had ordered 10 percent budget cuts across all departments, and Wells more… Read more »
Knepper joins board, but will not run in Aug. election
By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (April 11, 2019) Jeff Knepper, 74, became the newest member of the Ocean Pines Board of Directors on Saturday. He was appointed by a 6-0 vote to replace Ted Moroney, who resigned last month. Association President Doug Parks said the board was obligated by its bylaws to replace Moroney and that… Read more »
Gazette Editorial: Credit due for Ocean Pines’ fiscal recovery
Rare would be the business that could say its operations suffered a million-dollar loss against budget the year before, but would reduce that by half in the current year and post a profit in the next. Rarer still would be the organization that foundered in a $1.3 million sea of red ink and 12 months… Read more »
The old microwaved steak bit, huh?
By Paul Suplee I wake up starving. by stomach is grumbling as I stir in this comfortable bed in Atlantic City. Here for a food show, I think about the money I won on the blackjack table last night and then immediately my mind goes to dinner. Oh, dinner. Oh, you comedy of errors. For… Read more »
Editorial Cartoon: Slobodan Trendic
Latest forecast shows Pines making profit
By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (April 11, 2019) While earlier forecasts predicted a loss for fiscal 2019, Ocean Pines is now projecting a $60,000 profit against the budget, according to interim General Manager John Viola. Viola, in giving a monthly treasurer’s report on Saturday, said the association was ahead by $184,000 during the first 10 months… Read more »