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Berlin holds steady tax rate in final FY25 budget

Berlin council-budget

Berlin council members approved a $14 million budget that includes funding for key projects such as a new public works facility, an employee step and grade system, and design guidelines last week.

06/06/2024 Bayside Gazette Editorial

Appearances can be as important as money It’s not a matter of whether the Berlin mayor and council want to sell Parcel 57 on the Heron Park tract, that’s been established. At issue is how town officials want to sell it and how many strings they want to attach to its development. The latter will… Read more »

Letter To The Editor

Decision makers hurting our county Editor, Residents should know that the Worcester County Commissioners are being incredibly short-sighted and setting up our schools for future failures if they continue down this path of politicizing education in our county. It isn’t (just) that Worcester County teachers are paid the lowest in the state(, or that our… Read more »