By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (Jan. 3, 2019) A decades-long local holiday tradition continued last month, as Santa Claus and one of his top elves visited the Cedar Chapel Special School in Snow Hill to deliver presents to students. The school has 55 students between the ages of 3 and 21 with moderate to severe disabilities…. Read more »
New Year’s resolution: make more carbonara
By Paul Suplee I can always tell when it is time for the kids to get back to school. The conversation shifts quite rapidly from an old person’s diatribe on what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner (and what I am going to do to entertain them), to something to the effect of wanting… Read more »
WYFCS program to help ‘disconnected youth’
By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer (Jan. 3, 2018) Worcester Youth and Family Counseling Services (WYFCS) is working to help a group of people who have been identified by the state as “disconnected youth” The Governor’s Office for Children said the phrase refers to a person between the ages of 16 and 24 who is not… Read more »
Friend remembers car crash victim as ‘an amazing guy’
By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer (Jan. 3, 2019) The day 36-year-old Berlin resident William Joseph “Willbilly” Hathaway died following a crash was a dark day for his friend, Stephanie Lisi. “I laid in bed after finding out what happened to Will, and my heart just broke for Mary [his wife] and [their] baby, and then I… Read more »
Gazette Editorial: How phosphorus could impact Super Bowl LIII
As Eastern Shore farmers attempt to gain more time before they have to abide by the stricter standards the state’s phosphorous management tool would impose this year, most people probably aren’t paying attention. They should be, considering that more than just farmers will be affected if the state goes to the next, more restrictive step… Read more »
Buckingham Elementary unveils new mural
By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (Jan. 3, 2019) Just before going on Christmas break, students and faculty at Buckingham Elementary in Berlin unveiled a new mural at the school. Planning for the months-long project began last year and in October muralist Amanda Pellerin from the Baltimore based Young Audiences program began working with students to put… Read more »
Farmers seeking PMT rollout delay
By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (Jan. 3, 2019) Members of the Delmarva Poultry Industry trade association are seeking a delay in the rollout of environmental regulations they contend will inflict severe financial damage on local farmers. DPI officials said they are concerned by the “Phosphorus Management Tool” that was developed a decade ago by University of… Read more »
Trendic: All options on table for country club
By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (Jan. 3, 2019) When Ocean Pines Clubs Committee Chairman Gary Miller asked on Dec. 20 how the country club renovations were going, he didn’t know what he was getting into. Based on the discussion that followed, all options are on the table and nothing is certain. “What’s going on as far… Read more »
Editorial cartoon: Happy New Year!
The Year in Review: More highlights in Berlin, OPA and Snow Hill
By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (Dec. 27, 2018) Also grabbing headlines in 2018 were issues ranging from a contentious study released regarding the Berlin Fire Company, to a local church’s objections to a yoga/mindfulness program in an area school: BFC study controversial The Town of Berlin in April released the 90-page study on the Berlin Fire… Read more »