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Drug courts provide alternative to prison

(Jan. 12, 2017) The first drug court in the United States was established in Florida in the late 1980’s, as prisons were becoming overcrowded with nonviolent drug offenders during the height of the crack-cocaine craze. By 2014, all 50 states and Washington, D.C. had their own versions in place. Locally, Worcester County established its drug… Read more »

Second annual Restaurant Week runs through Sun.

(Jan. 12, 2017) The second annual Berlin Restaurant Week began on Monday and runs until Sunday with more than a dozen restaurants offering special prices on select menu items. “The specials are so reasonably priced,” said local realtor Cam Bunting, creator and promoter of the event. “Restaurants are trying out new items that they may… Read more »

Pocomoke, Snow Hill react to tax differential debate

(Jan. 12, 2017) As the ongoing debate between Ocean City and Worcester County over a tax differential to offset services duplicated by county and resort governments heats up once again, towns in the southern part of the county are of two minds on the subject. “I understand why they might want to do it, but… Read more »

House burglarized in Snow Hill, $600 in rare coins stolen

(Jan. 12, 2017) A house at 303 W. Federal Street in Snow Hill was burglarized on Dec. 30 according to Police Chief Tom Davis. Numerous rare coins and silver dollar certificates were removed by an unknown suspect or suspects, according to police. The items are valued at about $600, and nothing else was stolen, Davis… Read more »

Soar with bald eagles at Pocomoke River

(Jan. 12, 2017) For the past several years, the Pocomoke River State Park, between Snow Hill and Pocomoke City along Route 113, has hosted Eagle Watches in January to better acquaint visitors and residents with the U.S. National Emblem. “People are seeing more and more bald eagles, and we want to give them a close-up… Read more »

Berlin A&E Committee becomes nonprofit

(Jan. 12, 2017) Looking to increase its fundraising capabilities, the Berlin Arts & Entertainment Committee recently applied for, and was granted, 501(c)(3) nonprofit status. Treasurer Patty Gregorio said the move follows a statewide trend where arts and entertainment districts have been widely encouraged to become their own entities. “The state would eventually like to see… Read more »

Klump scholarship increases; 2017 nominations open

(Jan. 12, 2017) The people in charge of the Jesse Klump Memorial Scholarship want its namesake remembered for his altruism above all else, and so made that — rather than academic achievement or a specific program of study — the deciding factor in awarding the funds. Funds for the scholarship have increased this year, to… Read more »

Pocomoke approves land swap deal

(Jan. 12, 2017) Pocomoke City and its fire company are scheduled to go to closing at the end of the month after the council approved a deal that gives the town all rights to the former fire company property, while the fire company gets to use the former VFW property for storage. After the contracts… Read more »

‘Berlin Falls’ renaming effort causes clash

(Jan. 12, 2017) “Raucous” wouldn’t quite cover the tone of a Berlin Mayor and Council meeting Monday that seemed, at times, as if it were dangerously close to breaking out into a hockey game. After breezing through the meat of the meeting, which included approval of more than 30 town events and a summary of… Read more »

First winter storm of ‘17 brings foot of snow to county

(Jan. 12, 2017) Schoolchildren across the county had their prayers answered last weekend as the first snowfall of the New Year also brought about the first batch of school closings on Monday and Tuesday. Worcester County announced on Facebook that its offices would be open during normal hours on Monday, although the liberal leave policy… Read more »