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Cropper answers critics’ claims on campground

(Jan. 5, 2017) Attorney Hugh Cropper, respectfully, does not agree that campsites are bad for the environment, or for traffic, in Worcester County. Cropper represents Todd Burbage and the Ayres Creek Family Farm, LLC, which owns the former Pines Shore Golf Course near Route 611 and Route 376 and plan to redevelop that property into… Read more »

Options available for county residents disposing of trees

(Jan. 5, 2017) For people who spent a month or more nursing a Christmas tree in their living rooms, chances are this might be time to dispose of that old pine or spruce. In Berlin, the town will offer free curbside collection next Wednesday, Jan. 11. Residents are asked to place live-cut trees on the… Read more »

Power outage hits Choptank customers in Ocean Pines

(Jan. 5, 2017) More than 9,200 Choptank Electric customers lost power for about an hour on Tuesday afternoon because of an equipment malfunction. Debbie Rementer, key accounts manager for the cooperative, said equipment in a cabinet, not a transformer as reported elsewhere, is responsible for the outage, although the devices look similar from the outside…. Read more »

Store brings both convenience and safety to corner

(Jan. 5, 2017) Royal Farms in Berlin opened its doors on Dec. 29, offering its popular fried chicken to residents and visitors – and promising pedestrian safety for Stephen Decatur High School students who might be enticed to cross Route 50 for a quick meal. Royal Farms’ newest location will be open 24 hours a… Read more »

Snow Hill awarded grant to pursue Sturgis Park revamp

(Jan. 5, 2017) With a prime spot on the banks of the Pocomoke River only a stone’s throw from a recovering downtown, yet without much more than a pavilion and a couple of aging restroom facilities to show for it, Snow Hill’s Sturgis Park makes a fine target for revitalization. With a new grant from… Read more »

Residential real estate improves by 4.1 percent

(Jan. 5, 2017) Property owners in what the state considers “Area 2” should have received reassessment reports from the state by now, and while individual properties may have seen a rise or fall in assessed value, the average overall is an increase of 4.1 percent, a figure that could have an impact on tax rates… Read more »

Snow Hill Fire seeks add’l station

(Jan. 5, 2017) The flooding of late 2016 demonstrated to the Snow Hill Volunteer Fire Company that a new station at the north end of its response area is necessary. As a result, the company will present an informational session at the firehouse on Wednesday, Jan. 11 at 7 p.m. to explain its perspective to… Read more »

Anti-campground meeting in Pines draws big crowd

(Jan. 5, 2017) More than 100 people, including several standing in the open doorway, squeezed into the small assembly space in the Ocean Pines Library last Wednesday night for the first meeting of a new group, only about two weeks old, calling itself “Save Our Ayres Creek.” On the agenda was one item – the… Read more »

Another mgmt shakeup in Pines

(Jan. 5, 2017) Capping off a year that included the firing of former General Manager Bob Thompson and the resignation or termination of directors of finance, marketing, and parks and recreation, the Ocean Pines Association announced that it parted ways with yacht club Manager Jerry Lewis last Friday. According to a statement issued on Monday,… Read more »

Turn those holiday leftovers into potpie

So Christmas is over, and now it’s time to prepare for New Year’s Eve. When I say that, all I mean is that I have to buy a pork loin. That’s about the extent of our festivities these days, as we’re more concerned with socializing with family than actual ball drops and huge crowds. Besides,… Read more »