(Dec. 29, 2016) Berlin Mayor Gee Williams won a decisive victory to earn a third term in office, while Councilman Elroy Brittingham won an uncontested reelection in District 3 and newcomer Zackery Tyndall took home the council seat in District 2. Things, at times, got a little weird during the town election, which wrapped in… Read more »
Snow Hill adds new events, businesses during busy 2016
(Dec. 29, 2016) With the addition of Michael Day, erstwhile Berlin economic development director, as a consultant to the town, Snow Hill has changed greatly in the past year — particularly with the additions of new shops downtown and a more robust events calendar. Though it met with delays, the town worked a deal with… Read more »
Year In Review: Trump election tour included stop in Berlin
(Dec. 29, 2016) Just days before the Maryland Primary Election in April, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump made a surprise stop at Stephen Decatur High School in Berlin, rallying thousands of his supporters in a county he would go onto win in a landslide. Although the state would vote Democratic, the president-elect went on to… Read more »
Grilled cheese speaks to your inner child
Grilled cheese sandwiches: What are they? What makes them so very comforting, yet so maniacally easy that a kindergartener can produce them flawlessly? I know, because I would be in the middle of making these or fried eggs after walking home from the bus stop before my mother could make her way to the kitchen… Read more »
Biz development assistance now available weekly
(Dec. 22, 2016) Worcester County Economic Development (WCED) is now offering business owners and would-be entrepreneurs more opportunities to meet with highly experienced professionals who can help them establish or expand Worcester County businesses. Beginning in November, Tim Sherman of the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) of Salisbury University doubled his office hours at WCED… Read more »
Town to lure locals during annual New Year’s celebration
(Dec. 22, 2016) While most of the roughly two-dozen annual events in Berlin are designed to bring new faces – and shoppers – into the community, the town’s yearly New Year’s Eve bash is geared toward area residents. Tyler Horton, aka DJ Bigler, the voice of the Delmarva Shorebirds, will emcee and spin records with… Read more »
CFES announces philanthropy prog.
(Dec. 22, 2016) The Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore and the Richard A. Henson Foundation have partnered to support the efforts of Junior Achievement to bring philanthropy education to all high school students in Somerset, Wicomico and Worcester County public schools. This innovative new program is served by JA Finance Park Virtual computer software,… Read more »
‘Tis the (angry) season
Peace on earth and good will toward … Oh, right, that’s out the window these days. How about this then: peace on my patch of the earth and good will toward people who agree with me. For reasons sociologists will spend lifetimes trying to sort out, political and religious differences are no longer just sensitive… Read more »
Purnell museum extends hours through winter
(Dec. 22, 2016) Until this year, the Julia Purnell Museum has closed from the end of October until the beginning of April, but it will now remain open year round so it can offer services to schools and the town of Snow Hill. Dr. Cindy Byrd, the museum’s executive director, said the move was budget… Read more »
Berlin HDC examines role following reversal
(Dec. 22, 2016) Members of the Berlin Historic District Commission met last week to discuss its role, following a ruling by the Berlin Board of Appeals that overturned a recent commission decision. “I’ve never sat on the other side and listened to the zoning appeals board,” commission member Mary Moore said. “I was like, is… Read more »