(Nov. 24, 2016) After giving members two weeks to review the proposed changes to the charter, the Pocomoke City Council voted to approve a host of new election regulations on first reading during its regular meeting Monday night. The changes include requiring all elections to be conducted with paper ballots, barring citizens from mounting write-in… Read more »
Pines nonprofit gathers support, gifts for soldiers
(Nov. 24, 2016) With the holiday season approaching, Anna Foultz and fellow Star Charities volunteers closed out its annual Christmas drive on Sunday by providing local Army National Guard members with care packages for military members stationed overseas. “It’s been about 18 years, I guess. It’s been so many years,” she said. “Before I did… Read more »
Opening the dialogue: ‘East’ and ‘West’ Berlin
(Nov. 24, 2016) Heather Layton and Robin Tomaselli from the Berlin Arts & Entertainment committee sat down over coffee inside Baked Dessert Café with Gregory Purnell last Monday to discuss the committee’s “Artists Giving Back: Meals for the Hungry” drive next week. The goal of the even at Paul’s United Methodist Church on Flower Street… Read more »
Klump to join in remembrance during Suicide Loss Day, Sat.
(Nov. 17, 2016) The Jesse Klump Suicide Awareness & Prevention Program, joining hundreds of other organizations, is hosting International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day on Saturday, Nov 19. Survivors Day invites people affected by suicide loss around the world to gather at events in their local communities to find comfort and gain understanding. … Read more »
Berlin Activities Depot to put bow on final touches
(Nov. 17, 2016) Current and past Twisters Gymnastics students and their families, town officials and the public are invited to visit the construction site of the Berlin Activities Depot for a “topping-off party” to sign the last steel beam in the building’s framework, Saturday, Nov. 19 at 1 p.m. Twisters owner Carmella Solito will host… Read more »
Berlin Intermediate School hosts Artfest this Saturday, onsite
(Nov. 17, 2016) Berlin Intermediate School will present Artfest on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., inside the cafeteria. The art department will have 20-25 stations set up for children 3-12 years old. Stations include watercoloring, painting, puppets, mask-making, drawing, printmaking, designing mosaics with candy corn, seasonal crafts and acrylic painting. “Many of the… Read more »
‘Pop’ cheerleaders scramble to raise funds before event
(Nov. 17, 2016) The Berlin Pop Warner cheerleaders will compete at nationals on Dec. 5 in Disney World after placing second during the Eastern Regional competition on Nov. 6 in New Jersey, and they have just a few weeks to raise money for the trip to Florida. The Berlin Seahawks Pop Warner squad took second… Read more »
Ocean Pines Executive Council balloons
(Nov. 17, 2016) In April, the last time the Ocean Pines Executive Council met, just three of the 13 committee chairs attended the roughly 20-minute session. On Monday, the most recent meeting between council chairs and board leadership, nearly every committee was represented during a robust two-hour discussion that focused on improving communication throughout the… Read more »
Hometown Christmas, tree lighting
(Nov. 17, 2016) The Ocean Pines Recreation and Parks Department invites area residents and visitors to enjoy a cup of hot cocoa and kick off the holiday season with the community’s sixth annual “A Hometown Christmas” and tree-lighting ceremony on Saturday, Nov. 26 at 6:30 p.m. in White Horse Park. Trees decorated by Ocean Pines… Read more »
Letters to the Editor
Hospice hosts successful event Editor, We at Coastal Hospice are grateful for – and proud of – the young leaders in our community. They are taking the local tradition of generosity and making it their own. Last week a team of young professionals, led by Cole Taustin, who manages Embers and Blu Crabhouse and Kellie… Read more »