(Oct. 27, 2016) Updates on numerous projects were reviewed by Ocean Pines Association interim General Manager Brett Hill at the board of directors meeting last Saturday. Yacht Club Furniture on the first floor of the Ocean Pines Yacht Club has been rearranged, Hill said, allowing for the addition of seating space at the bar. Also… Read more »
Pocomoke gets partial water, sewer maps from consultant
(Oct. 27, 2016) While there are no models or tests that can be run on the Pocomoke City water and sewer systems that might determine the cause of foul-smelling and sediment-laden tap water, particularly in the Pocomoke Heights area, the data collection phase of the project is almost complete. The mayor and City Council heard… Read more »
Berlin swears in new and returning officials
(Oct. 27, 2016) It was a night of department overviews and updates on projects but mostly it was a night to welcome Zachary Tyndall to the Town Council and to renew the oaths of Mayor Gee Williams and Councilman Elroy Brittingham. In front of a full house at Town Hall this past Monday night, Williams… Read more »
Pay dispute arises in otter exhibit at Discovery Center
(Oct. 27, 2016) The Virginia-based contractor ExPlus, hired to build the Wally Gordon River Otter exhibit that opened to the public in July, has filed suit in Worcester County Circuit Court against the Delmarva Discovery Center, alleging nonpayment of the more than $178,000 in construction costs. Documents related to the case, and the signed contract… Read more »
Berlin schedules residential fall bulk trash pickup in Nov.
(Oct. 27, 2016) The Town of Berlin’s residential fall bulk trash pickup is scheduled for Nov. 16 and 30. The bulk pick up dates are based on residential garbage service. “If your normal trash day is a Tuesday or a Wednesday, your bulk pick up day is Wednesday, Nov. 16th. If your normal trash day… Read more »
Tour highlights improved storefronts
(Oct. 27, 2016) Berlin helped kick off Community Development Week last Thursday, welcoming representatives from the Community Development Network of Maryland (CDNM) and touring several businesses that had recently used façade grants to improve their storefronts. CDNM Executive Director Odette Ramos, speaking outside the Berlin Visitor’s Center, described her group as “a statewide nonprofit organization… Read more »
United States to join case against city, county, state
(Oct. 27, 2016) The failure of state and local officials to attend a reconciliation meeting after the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission determined reasonable cause existed that those officials engaged in unlawful employment practices resulted in an amended complaint by the plaintiffs Kelvin Sewell, Lynell Green and Franklin Savage alleging Title VII violations, which ultimately attracted… Read more »
Vacant building registry working
(Oct. 27, 2016) The most recent evidence of the effectiveness of the vacant building ordinance the Town of Snow Hill passed in July, can be seen in the identification of at least 63 structures, some of which have been registered or are awaiting response from their owners, according to Town Manager Kelly Pruitt. Letters were… Read more »
Facing lawsuit, OPA buys new golf cart fleet for $319,936
(Oct. 27, 2016) Funding for new golf carts and roof repairs at the Ocean Pines Golf & Country Club, as well as possibly retaining an executive recruiting firm to hire a general manager and financial controller were voted on at the Ocean Pines Association meeting on Saturday at the Ocean Pines Community Center. The board… Read more »
Berlin Coffee House closing as owner decides to retire
(Oct. 27, 2016) After seven years of running what was, for many in Berlin, the coffee shop where “everybody knows your name,” 68-year-old Peggy Hagy is retiring at the end of this year. When it opened in 2009, the Berlin Coffee House on 17 Jefferson Street filled a major void in a town that had… Read more »