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Sit-in greets vote counters for Ocean Pines election

(Aug. 18, 2016) A peaceful protest of sorts was held in the Ocean Pines Association administration building last Friday, when part of the building was closed during ballot counting for the board of directors election. OPA Resolution M-06, covering elections and referendum procedures, requires votes to be counted “in closed session” by the elections committee,… Read more »

Klump foundation offers free suicide prevention booklet

(Aug. 18, 2016) The Jesse Klump Suicide Awareness & Prevention Program has announced a new guide to local mental healthcare resources, and a brochure devoted to teaching young people suicide prevention first aid. Both are available free of charge. “Our Jesse Klump Memorial Fund Guide to Mental Health Resources is the third edition of the… Read more »

Construction on Route 113 delayed by SHA again, again

(Aug. 18, 2016) The State Highway Administration has again pushed back the day work will begin on four stormwater management crossings under Route 113. The new start date target is Aug. 23. “We’re not quite where we want to be in terms of off-road prep, so crews will stay focused on getting as much done… Read more »

CAR to host debate covering Berlin mayor, council races

(Aug. 18, 2016) The Coastal Association of Realtors (CAR) will conduct a town political forum at its Berlin office on Wednesday, Sept. 7. The “2016 Berlin Election Candidate Forum,” the event is designed to introduce voters to the various entrants running for mayor, as well as Town Council seats for Districts 2 and 3. Incumbent… Read more »

Pocomoke police nab cash during Rt. 113 traffic stop

(Aug. 18, 2016) During a traffic stop conducted on southbound Route 113 near Brantley Road on Aug. 4, the Pocomoke Police Department reported seizing about $35,000 from the unidentified vehicle occupants. “During the stop, officers became suspicious of possible criminal activity, which led to a search of the vehicle. During the search, officers recovered $35,253… Read more »

Paddle Pocomoke River for nonprofit Worcester GOLD

(Aug. 18, 2016) Worcester GOLD, a nonprofit dedicated to helping county families make ends meet, will be holding an evening paddle on the Pocomoke River on Saturday as a new fundraiser. The paddle will be held at the Pocomoke River Canoe Company, just off River Street in Snow Hill, and is scheduled to begin at… Read more »

State names first growers, processors for med. marijuana

(Aug. 18, 2016) The state’s medical marijuana commission decided on Monday the names of the first 15 growers and processors of medical marijuana in the state. The results were organized by county, though those issued pre-approvals don’t yet need to have a physical presence in the county where they plan to serve. Shore Natural RX… Read more »

Pocomoke residents call for curfew

(Aug. 18, 2016) Following a melee in the area of Fourth and Laurel Streets in Pocomoke City on July 29 that resulted in two arrests and one deployed Taser, residents of the neighborhood asked the mayor and City Council this week to institute a curfew in town. “We need the support of citizens” to enact… Read more »

Annual meeting sees Hill, Trendic and Supik elected

(Aug. 18, 2016) With a quorum of more than 100 people present during the annual meeting on Saturday, the Ocean Pines Association announced that Brett Hill, Slobodan Trendic and Patricia Supik, as the top-three vote getters in this year’s election, were elected to serve three-year terms on the board of directors. Hill led the way… Read more »

Meet your new Pines directors

(Aug. 18, 2016) After listening to months of debate and attending three public forums, Ocean Pines homeowners learned on Saturday that Brett Hill, Slobodan Trendic and Patricia Supik had won the 2016 board of directors election. Each will serve a three-year term on the OPA board and will join returning directors Pat Renaud, Cheryl Jacobs,… Read more »