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Pines elections committee preps for forum

(June 23, 2016) Eleven of the 12 candidates for the Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors were expected to take part in a forum at the community center on June 22, after press time. One candidate, Larry Perrone, was out of town and asked to play a short video clip in lieu of attending. Running… Read more »

Longtime homeowner Ezaoui brings ‘common sense’ to race

(June 23, 2016) Israeli-born Sharona Ezaoui wants to bring a little common sense to the 2016 Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors election. After working in communications for the Israel Defense Forces, Ezaoui, 56, moved to Ocean Pines in 1992 and became a homeowner in 1994. She and her family – a husband and two… Read more »

Two Maryland Public Service Commission hearings slated

(June 23, 2016) The Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC) will hold two public hearings for comment in the matter of the application of Delmarva Power to construct a new 138 kilovolt overhead transmission line through Wicomico and Worcester counties to the Maryland/Virginia state line. The hearings are as scheduled: Wednesday, June 29 at 7 p.m.,… Read more »

Trendic hopes third time’s a charm

(June 23, 2016) Slobodon Trendic finished third in the race for Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors last year, coming within less than 300 votes of earning a seat on the board. The 61-year-old Belgrade, Yugoslavia native is running again this year – for the third consecutive time. Trendic spent 30 years working in the… Read more »

Youngest OPA candidate, Hill looks to fill demo

(June 23, 2016) Brett C. Hill is by far the youngest candidate running for the Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors this year. Born in Baltimore, the 37-year-old has owned property in the Pines since 2012 and moved to the area full time last spring. His company, FTS Fiber, provides Internet infrastructure services from its… Read more »

Berlin Chamber celebrated 30th anniversary, Thurs.

(June 23, 2016) The Berlin Chamber of Commerce celebrated its 30th anniversary last Thursday with a well-attended ceremony in the parking lot of its office on Main Street. The crowd was largely made up of local business owners, many of which had been active chamber participants for years, and even decades. Mayor Gee Williams admitted… Read more »

Worcester County solar co-op meeting in Snow Hill tonight

(June 23, 2016) The only meeting in southern Worcester for residents interested in forming a solar electric cooperative is scheduled for tonight at 7 p.m. at the train station on Belt Street in Snow Hill. Another meeting is scheduled for June 29 in Ocean Pines. The 90-minute session will be hosted by MD Sun, a… Read more »

OP-OC Kiwanis Club awards scholarships to 17 students

(June 23, 2016) The Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines – Ocean City Scholarship Foundation recently presented 17 scholarships to deserving graduating senior students at Stephen Decatur High School. Kiwanis Selections Committee Chair Roy Foreman presented the awards. This year’s recipients are: Peyton Townsend –  $2,000 –  University of Georgia; Caroline Hammond – $1,500 – … Read more »

Council’s Lisa Hall hopes her next seat will be mayor’s

(June 23, 2016) District 2 Councilmember Lisa Hall threw her hat into the mayoral election ring on Friday, filling out the paperwork to challenge incumbent Mayor Gee Williams. Hall, 58, was raised on a chicken farm in nearby Parsonsburg. She worked in property management and ran a business with her late husband, and is currently… Read more »

Berlin mayor and council election takes shape

(June 23, 2016) While the upcoming election in Berlin looks to be considerably less crowded than in nearby Ocean Pines, where 12 men and women are running for three seats, the stakes are equally high, with the mayor and two council positions appearing on the ballot. Current Mayor Gee Williams has already tipped his hat… Read more »