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Art exhibition in Berlin presented by Optimist Club

(Feb. 4, 2016) The 10th annual High School Art Competition and Exhibit, presented by the Berlin/Ocean City Optimists Club, will be on display in Berlin throughout February. The Worcester County Arts Council gallery, on 6 Jefferson Street, will host the exhibition, which includes works created by students from the four high schools in the county…. Read more »

Public invited to share memories of Assateague Is.

(Feb. 4, 2016) In honor of the National Park Service Centennial, Assateague Island is celebrating “A Century of Memories.” Assateague has long been a part of people’s lives, from basic survival and livelihoods to communities and recreational enjoyment. The public is invited to share memories on Wednesday, Feb. 17 at the Assateague Island National Seashore… Read more »

Enter raffle to win tickets to annual oyster roast in SH

(Feb. 4, 2016) Tickets for the sixth annual Snow Hill Oyster Roast sold out more than a month ago. Those interested in attending the Feb. 28 event, however, can still enter a raffle to win tickets. Snow Hill Chamber of Commerce Vice President Lee Chisholm has helped organize the event each year. According to Chisholm,… Read more »

According to DMA study, OP reserves largely inadequate

(Feb. 4, 2016) The Ocean Pines Association has less than 25 percent of the reserve funds it should in order to maintain all of its current facilities. That’s according to Virginia-based firm Design Management Associates Inc., which last week delivered a first draft of a study of Ocean Pines’ replacement reserves. The study was given… Read more »

OPA Briefs

(Feb. 4, 2016) The Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors discussed the following items during a public meeting in the community center on Jan. 28. Happy birthday Board President Pat Renaud recognized Star Charities founder Anna Foultz, who celebrated her 90th birthday last month. During his opening remarks, Renaud also cautioned the directors that Robert’s… Read more »

Ocean Pines to host ‘Fantastic’ youth dances

(Feb. 4, 2016) The Ocean Pines Recreation and Parks Department is inviting area children to dance, listen to music and hang out with their friends during two “Fantastic Friday” youth dances scheduled this winter. The first dance, which is for third and fourth graders only, will be he held on Friday, Feb. 5 from 6:30-8:30… Read more »

First reading for investment guidelines OK’d

(Feb. 4, 2016) It wasn’t on the agenda, but Director Tom Terry did manage to introduce a first reading to change Ocean Pines’ investment policy during a public meeting on Jan. 28. The revision was developed by the association’s budget and finance committee, and the rules were suspended in order to allow Chairwoman Pat Supik… Read more »

Latest draft of ‘17 Pines budget has $20 fee increase

(Feb. 4, 2016) Delayed a week by winter storms, OPA General Manager Bob Thompson’s town hall session on the proposed 2017 fiscal-year budget took place Saturday morning. Thompson started with an overview of the budget process, which began in September with the various department heads, and most recently involved several public meetings with the board… Read more »

Comprehensive Planning Committee tackles survey

(Feb. 4, 2016) Working on a long-term comprehensive plan for Ocean Pines continued this week, as the committee charged with creating the document met to go over a questionnaire that will be sent to all 8,452 homeowners in the community – and, potentially, some renters.   The hope is that the questionnaire will give the… Read more »

Motion to explore OP mgmt. options stirs debate, falls

(Feb. 4, 2016) OPA Director Tom Herrick’s motion last Thursday to explore alternative options to its current general manager system, including employing an outside firm to manage the association, generated more debate than it did support. Roughly half the directors saw the motion as a slight to current General Manager Bob Thompson, while the other… Read more »